[fpc-pascal] Progress Bar in different widget sets

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 10:04:53 CET 2006

On 03/11/06, Marc PERTRON <marc.pub at finistware.com> wrote:
> It's used when you don't know the time a thing will last (for example,
> some downloads in FF, or Windows XP boot)
> Not sure it's very useful, most of the time i prefer adding a "Kb
> Downloaded" or things like that to show people that the program is working.
> My 2 cents ;o)

I tend to agree with you.  There are many other ways to display that
the program is still working.  I will add it to the fpGUI wishlist,
but there is more important things to complete first.


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