[fpc-pascal] Lazarus

G�khan Ersumer sky_khan at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 17 05:06:39 CET 2006

>Message: 5
>Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 18:15:45 -0300
>From: "Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho"

>>On 3/16/06, Gökhan Ersumer <sky_khan at yahoo.com>
>> Yep I meant creating VMT at runtime,It does not
>> like a good practice to me.

>Where is the code that creates VMT at runtime? Just
>curiosity, because
>I've being working with Lazarus, but I never noticed

I've looked this a few years ago,and have no time to
dig into Lazarus source again, sorry.

>It probably doesn't matter from a user point of view.

Yep, I said so (on last paragraph) but IMO this is
bad for maintanence and/or component writers.

>Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho 

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