[fpc-pascal] Re: fpc-pascal Digest, Vol 19, Issue 24

G�khan Ersumer sky_khan at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 16 17:24:12 CET 2006

Message: 7
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 01:13:57 +0100
From: Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de>
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: OpenDelphi.org
To: FPC-Pascal users discussions
<fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org>
<20060316011357.755c4dab at limapholos.matom.wg>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 15:57:23 -0800 (PST)

> --- fpc-pascal-request at lists.freepascal.org wrote:


> FPC is Ok but a few years ago I examined Lazarus
> codebase and I saw Lazarus is hacking Class parents
> on-the-fly for its normal operations so I
> lost my interest. 
> Is this changed recently?

If you mean creating the VMT at runtime, then the
answer is: yes, it 
What are the alternatives?


Yep I meant creating VMT at runtime,It does not seems
like a good practice to me. 

Delphi's streaming system wont work without RTTI, and 
Delphi's RTTI is only for streaming. RTTI and message/
dynamic methods is embedded in compiler to support VCL
and IDE. So writing a Delphi-like IDE without support
of FPC team / compiler could be hard work but I still
wont think 
creating VMT in runtime is way to go. Cross-platform
issues and these kind of hacks/ shortcuts  is
overcomplicating things in Lazarus codebase, I think.

I prefer a solution based on non ref-counted
interfaces  for example (although this may need some
support from compiler side e.g UID's for non
ref-counted interfaces/ interface delegation or
something, and means nearly rewrite, so I dont think
this will happen)
User-level delphi compatibility is enough for masses
(e.g Form designer, properties vs), as long as it have
quality/stability,  internal workings of components is
not so important, but as I said above, with current
implementation I dont think Lazarus is
production-ready or it will become.

Sorry for my poor English.


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