[fpc-pascal] Bug in RTL for arm

Koenraad Lelong fpascal at brouwerij.homelinux.net
Mon Mar 6 21:56:23 CET 2006

Koenraad Lelong schreef:
> Martin Schreiber schreef:
>> On Sunday 19 February 2006 19.04, Koenraad Lelong wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Today I did an update via svn. When I compiled for arm (in the hope that
>>> the bug I encountered a while ago would have disappeared) I found a bug
>>> in rtl/linux/arm/sysnr.inc :
>>> Const
>>>  syscall_nr_base = syscall_nr_base;
>>> I modified this to :
>>> Const
>>>  syscall_nr_base = $900000;
>>> which is similar to fpc 2.0.2.
> ...
> I seem to have forgotten to add this to my previous mail :
> Last time I checked SVN this seems solved (is it ? I modified my 
> source-file which didn't get updated, so I renamed my source-file and 
> then a new file appeared which contained the fix), but in 2.0.3 (of feb. 
> 24) it is not.
Could this patch be applied on the 2.0.3 tree (I made it from the 
fpcbuild-archive) ? If it's not right, could you please post 
instructions how to do it right ?
Koenraad Lelong.
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