[fpc-pascal] Internal error 200312122

Koenraad Lelong koen1 at brouwerij.homelinux.net
Sun Feb 19 19:13:21 CET 2006

Koenraad Lelong schreef:
> Peter Vreman schreef:
>>> Martin Schreiber schreef:
>>>> On Sunday 05 February 2006 17.11, Koenraad Lelong wrote:
> ...
>> Internalerror numbers are just unique numbers be using <date><seqnr>. 
>> They
>> don't have any meaning.
>> Quick intro for debugging this.
>> - Build compiler with debug info: 'make cycle OPT=-gl'
>> - Compile source with this new compiler in gdb:
>>    - gdb --args <newcompiler> <args>
>>    - (gdb) br INTERNALERROR
>>    - (gdb) dir <pathtocompilersource>
>>    - (gdb) r
>>    - Hit breakpoint
>>    - (gdb) bt
>>    - The backtrace will give you more info. Use 'fr <framenr>' to jump to
>> a function in the callstack so you can watch the code and variables.
> OK, I tried this, but that's as far as I can get. Enclosed the output of 
> the backtrace (first lines are the commandline I used).
> Anything I can do further ?
> Thanks,
> Koenraad Lelong.
I tried fr <frame#> for the last 20 frames :
(gdb) fr 20
#20 0x080e04ed in PROC_UNIT () at pmodules.pas:1097
1097                       loadunits;
(gdb) fr 19
#19 0x080df58a in LOADUNITS () at pmodules.pas:621
621                    tppumodule(pu.u).loadppu;
(gdb) fr 18
#18 0x080d6ef5 in TPPUMODULE__LOADPPU (this=0x404e6c74) at fppu.pas:1509
1509                  compile(mainsource^);
(gdb) fr 17
#17 0x0808f207 in COMPILE 
at parser.pas:525
525                      proc_unit;
(gdb) fr 16
#16 0x080e06f0 in PROC_UNIT () at pmodules.pas:1184
1184                 parse_implementation_uses;
(gdb) fr 15
#15 0x080dfd25 in PARSE_IMPLEMENTATION_USES () at pmodules.pas:839
839                   loadunits;
(gdb) fr 14
#14 0x080df58a in LOADUNITS () at pmodules.pas:621
621                    tppumodule(pu.u).loadppu;
(gdb) fr 13
#13 0x080d6df9 in TPPUMODULE__LOADPPU (this=0x41085734) at fppu.pas:1471
1471                        load_usedunits;
(gdb) fr 12
#12 0x080d6853 in TPPUMODULE__LOAD_USEDUNITS (this=0x41085734) at 
1244                  tppumodule(pu.u).loadppu;
(gdb) fr 11
#11 0x080d6ef5 in TPPUMODULE__LOADPPU (this=0x40304744) at fppu.pas:1509
1509                  compile(mainsource^);
(gdb) fr 10
#10 0x0808f207 in COMPILE 
at parser.pas:525
525                      proc_unit;
(gdb) fr 9
#9  0x080e0a5b in PROC_UNIT () at pmodules.pas:1302
(gdb) fr 8
#8  0x0811d7c3 in GEN_INTF_WRAPPERS (LIST=0x411f3f34, ST=0x41401a54) at 
2364                  gen_intf_wrapper(list,tobjectdef(def));
(gdb) fr 7
#7  0x0811d758 in GEN_INTF_WRAPPER (LIST=0x411f3f34, _CLASS=0x41641d54) 
at ncgutil.pas:2349
(gdb) fr 6
#6  0x0809cca5 in TCGARM__G_INTF_WRAPPER (LIST=0x411f3f34, 
IOFFSET=373, this=0x40068014) at cgcpu.pas:1479
1479    in cgcpu.pas
(gdb) fr 5
#5  0x080ccfb3 in TCG__G_ADJUST_SELF_VALUE (LIST=0x411f3f34, 
PROCDEF=0x41685744, IOFFSET=373, this=0x40068014) at cgobj.pas:2001
(gdb) fr 4
#4  0x0809a141 in TCGARM__A_OP_CONST_REG (LIST=0x411f3f34, OP=OP_SUB, 
SIZE=OS_32, A=373, REG=16777216, this=0x40068014) at cgcpu.pas:287
287     in cgcpu.pas
(gdb) fr 3
#3  0x0809a297 in TCGARM__A_OP_CONST_REG_REG (LIST=0x411f3f34, 
OP=OP_SUB, SIZE=OS_32, A=373, SRC=16777216, DST=16777216, 
this=0x40068014) at cgcpu.pas:323
323     in cgcpu.pas
(gdb) fr 3
#3  0x0809a297 in TCGARM__A_OP_CONST_REG_REG (LIST=0x411f3f34, 
OP=OP_SUB, SIZE=OS_32, A=373, SRC=16777216, DST=16777216, 
this=0x40068014) at cgcpu.pas:323
323     in cgcpu.pas
(gdb) fr 2
(LIST=0x411f3f34, OP=OP_SUB, SIZE=OS_32, A=373, SRC=16777216, 
DST=16777216, SETFLAGS=false, OVLOC=
         {LOC = LOC_VOID, SIZE = 166, RESFLAGS = 186, VALUE = 134759354, 
VALUE64 = 4713231088527885242, REFERENCE = {OFFSET = 134759354, SYMBOL = 
0x4168c2b4, RELSYMBOL = 0x4168c2b4, SEGMENT = 1097666932, BASE = 
-2068527460, INDEX = 135726240, REFADDR = 60, SCALEFACTOR = 142, 
SHIFTMODE = 8}, REGISTER = 134759354, REGISTER64 = {REGLO = 134759354, 
REGHI = 1097384628}}, this=0x40068014) at cgcpu.pas:435
435     in cgcpu.pas
(gdb) fr 1
#1  0x080c926f in TCG__GETINTREGISTER (LIST=0x411f3f34, SIZE=OS_32, 
this=0x40068014) at cgobj.pas:548
548               internalerror(200312122);
(gdb) fr 0
#0  INTERNALERROR (I=200312122) at verbose.pas:447
447             UpdateStatus;

Is there no-one who can give suggestions where to look next ? I want to 
help, but I don't know much about gdb, I don't know about the internals 
of fpc...
Koenraad Lelong.

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