[fpc-pascal] Internal error 200312122

Koenraad Lelong fpascal at brouwerij.homelinux.net
Sun Feb 5 17:11:10 CET 2006

L505 schreef:
>>When I try to compile the MSEgui demo for arm (using fpc 2.0.2, MSEgui
>>0.7) I'm getting that error when compiling msegui.pas. Where should I
>>look to solve this ?
> Try to rebuild all units.
> use the -Ba compiler option
> I think I had this same issue when I tried MSEgui long ago, and it only occurred if I
> did not request -Ba option.
Just tried it, doesn't work :-(. Compiling with ppc386 for i386-linux 
works fine, compiling with ppcrossarm for arm-linux gives the error. 
Could this be a processor specific error ?
Thanks anyway,
Koenraad Lelong.

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