[fpc-pascal] Implementing a true Singleton - Can we decrease thevisibility of a method?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 11:39:19 CET 2006

On 12/11/06, Matt Emson <memsom at interalpha.co.uk> wrote:
> The problem with using singletons in this way is that they're not [very]
> thread safe. You end up needing a locking mechanism that gets tiring very

gINI and gLog are thread safe and well tested.  Both use a caching
system that buffers the entries in memory and writes out the data when
the system is idle or the applications quits.  This is very important
for the gLog.  The reason being, logging Visitor activity creates huge
log files and would normally slow the system down if the caching
system was not used.

Graeme Geldenhuys

There's no place like S34° 03.168'  E018° 49.342'

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