[fpc-pascal] Porting TP ASM to FPC ASM

Michael Preslar mike at lordlegacy.com
Tue Aug 22 11:44:31 CEST 2006

>> I'm trying to convert some old Turbo Pascal asm to win32 fpc asm and 
>> dont know where to start..
>> I'm compiling with -Sd and -Twin32 and {$asmmode intel}..
>> If I change ax to eax, di to edi and es:[di] to [di], the code compiles 
>> without warnings or errors, but I don't know if that's the right thing 
>> to do.
> No.  The calling conventions are different

Any further information you could give? The documentation doesn't have 
any specifics on the differences..

> In this case, I think assembler is slower since it can't be inlined. Note
> that TP uses a lot of assembler to workaround non-optimalisation.
> IOW just do a :

This tackles one procedure but there are a good dozen or so more to go. 
Having someone help port them would be quickest, but I won't learn how 
to maintain them myself..

> (and possibly a {$inline on} globally for that unit)

{$inline on} ? Never heard of this one.. What's it do?


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