[fpc-pascal] Free Pascal widget set

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 13:46:28 CEST 2006


As I mentioned before, I starting working on a Free Pascal widget set
not relying on any large GUI libraries like Qt, GTK, etc... It uses
Xlib (Linux) and GDI (Windows) directly.  My second rewrite is based
on the dormant fpGUI and fpGFX projects, so you can say it will become
the next version of fpGUI.

Long term goal is to add it as a new widget set option in Lazarus,
though the API will be developer friendly (something like Qt) so that
a GUI could be created without a GUI Builder and minimal lines of

The fpGUI development team [ Me, myself and I ] is looking for
developers willing to join this project.  I have made the source
available on my sever using SubVersion.  The documentation will be
online over the weekend.  fpGUI is not yet ready for usage in a
application, but is is rapidly getting there.  My company has a
deadline to get it at such a point before the end of the year.

For more details about the project and the ever growing todo list,
point your browser at:

Download the Source from:
  svn co svn://opensoft.homeip.net/fpgui/trunk fpGUI
  svn co svn://opensoft.homeip.net/fpgfx/trunk fpGFX

  - Graeme -

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