[fpc-pascal] Re: Turbo Pascal/legacy data file issue.

Jan Ruzicka jan.ruzicka at comcast.net
Wed Sep 21 05:59:55 CEST 2005

I think basic reference information you may be looking for is on page
real2double from rtl/inc/genmath.inc
     function real2double(r : real48) : double;

          res : array[0..7] of byte;
          exponent : word;

          { copy mantissa }
          res[1]:=r[1] shl 5;
          res[2]:=(r[1] shr 3) or (r[2] shl 5);
          res[3]:=(r[2] shr 3) or (r[3] shl 5);
          res[4]:=(r[3] shr 3) or (r[4] shl 5);
          res[5]:=(r[4] shr 3) or (r[5] and $7f) shl 5;
          res[6]:=(r[5] and $7f) shr 3;

          { copy exponent }
          { correct exponent: }
          res[6]:=res[6] or ((exponent and $f) shl 4);
          res[7]:=exponent shr 4;

          { set sign }
          res[7]:=res[7] or (r[5] and $80);
double2real by just mechanically reversed operations
     function double2real(d : double) : real48;

          res : real48;
          exponent : word;

          { copy mantissa }

          res[1]:=(d[2] shl 3) or (d[1] shr 5);
          res[2]:=(d[3] shl 3) or (d[2] shr 5);
          res[3]:=(d[4] shl 3) or (d[3] shr 5);
          res[4]:=(d[5] shl 3) or (d[4] shr 5);
          res[5]:=((d[6] and $f) shl 3) or (d[5] shr 5);

          { copy exponent }
          { correct exponent: }
          exponent:= ((d[7] and $7f) shl 4) or ((d[6] shr 4) and $f);
          exponent:= exponent +129-1023;
          res[0]:= exponent and $ff;

          { set sign }
          res[5]:=res[5] or (d[7] and $80);
The code above will probably not compile as I use indexes of bytes 
bytes on type double.
I don't have a working compiler at this moment.
(FPC is not compiling on OSX)
Would this help you?
Could you write some tests to verify correctness?


On Sep 20, 2005, at 12:14, Lowell C. Savage wrote:

> What I would still like to see is a "Double2Real" which goes in the 
> opposite direction of the "Real2Double".  That way, I can read the 
> data from the existing files and then save new data back to the same 
> files.  The loss of precision is not important since the numbers we 
> are using have limitations on their precision that are the limiting 
> factor (they could probably be "singles" without any trouble--except 
> that then they wouldn't be compatible with the data files.  And 
> performance isn't really an issue since I'll do any calculations as 
> doubles (native on x86 platform).
> Thanks,
> Lowell
> Florian Klaempfl <F.Klaempfl at gmx.de> wrote, in part:
>> Lowell C. Savage wrote:
>> > Has anyone come up with a set of routines for converting between 
>> Turbo
>> > Pascal's 6-byte "real" format and FPC's real number format?
>> http://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/rtl/system/real2double.html
> Thanks.  My apologies for not finding it earlier myself.
>> > Here's a simple program to demonstrate the issue.  In Turbo Pascal 
>> 5.5
>> > (Downloaded from 
>> http://bdn.borland.com/article/0,1410,20803,00.html)
>> > this code generates a 12-byte file.  FPC generates a 16-byte file.
>> > (Actually, the preprocessor directives shown appear to have no 
>> effect on
>> What effect should it have?
> I would like it to have the same effect whether compiled under Turbo 
> Pascal 5.5 or under FPC.  In both cases, it should write out a 12-byte 
> file.  I don't mind if I have to put in a bunch of ifdefs to define 
> "real48" and dummy "Double2Real" functions for TP or some such and 
> redo the assignments to call "Double2Real".  In other words, the code 
> can change--but the data (and data format) is forever.  :-)
>> > this code--not complaining since the docs don't make it appear that 
>> it
>> > should, just pointing it out.)
>> The 6 byte real isn't supported by fpc because it isn't handled by the
>> fpu and thus deadly slow. For maybe 12 years, every new PC has an fpu.
> Heavens no!  I don't want to do !!CALCULATIONS!! with the 6-byte 
> reals.  I just want to be able to read and store them in the existing 
> files.
>> > Program testrec;
>> > {$IFDEF FPC}
>> > {$MODE TP}
>> > {$ENDIF}
>> > type
>> >      realrec = record
>> >         t1 : real;
>> >         t2 : real;
>> >         end;
>> >
>> > var
>> >    realfile : file of realrec;
>> >    r : realrec;
>> > begin
>> >    r.t1 := 1.0;
>> >    r.t2 := 2.0;
>> >    assign ( realfile, 'c:\r.rfl' );
>> >    rewrite ( realfile );
>> >    write ( realfile, r );
>> >    close ( realfile );
>> > end.
> Lowell C. Savage
> savage at lanl.gov
> 505-667-6964 (office/msg)
> 360-961-8965 (cell/msg)
> 505-667-4341 (shared fax)
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