[fpc-pascal] About reset(aFile, FileNameString)

Adriaan van Os fpc at microbizz.nl
Wed Sep 14 05:02:04 CEST 2005

Lance Boyle wrote:

> "Official" Pascal for opening a file and associating a name with it 
> (e.g., a disk file) goes like this:
> assign(aFile, FileNameString);
> reset(aFile); {or rewrite, etc.}

Assign is not "official" Pascal but a non-standard Turbo/Borland/Delphi 
Pascal extension.

> All of the Pascals that I have used allowed the following shorthand, 
> an extension:
> reset(aFile, FileNameString); {or rewrite, etc.}

"FileNameString" also is a non-standard (non-ISO) Pascal extension ....

> At least one of these Pascals was not a Macintosh Pascal, so I never 
> considered it a "Mac" extension. Yet, I can find no possibility of 
> this in FPC, in spite of its various compatibility modes.

... but indeed many Pascal compilers support it.


Adriaan van Os

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