[fpc-pascal] fpGetRUsage

Paul Davidson pdavidson at coraxnetworks.com
Mon Sep 12 14:26:56 CEST 2005

RUsage is not declared anywhere in app o.0
RUsage is defined in ostypes.inc for BSD. fpGetRUsage is as well, but 
does not resolve in Darwin.

On Sep 8, 2005, at 3:39, Jonas Maebe wrote:

> On 7 sep 2005, at 20:21, Paul Davidson wrote:
>>>> Trying to get fpGetRusage to work WITH DARWIN.
>>>> Using:     function fpGetRUsage( who : cint; data : pRUsage ) : 
>>>> cint; cdecl; external 'c' name 'getrusage';
>>>> But this gives silly results.  Any hints?
>>> How did you declare prusage/trusage?
>>     function fpGetRUsage( who : cint; data : pRUsage ) : cint; cdecl; 
>> external 'some_random_string' name 'getrusage';
> I asked about prusage/trusage, the type of the "data" parameter. It 
> does not exist in the RTL, so you must have declared this type 
> yourself. That's probably where the error is.
> Jonas
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P Davidson
Corax Networks Inc.

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