[fpc-pascal] Free Vision

Tomas Hajny XHajT03 at mbox.vol.cz
Sun Oct 30 23:50:34 CET 2005

Date sent:      	Sun, 30 Oct 2005 21:32:18 +0200
From:           	Mihai <mihai at remember.ro>
To:             	fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org
Subject:        	[fpc-pascal] Free Vision
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Hello Mihai

> Is there any Free Vision Documentaion available somewhere?

There isn't any documentation for Free Vision specifically as far as 
I know. However, Free Vision tries to be compatible to Turbo Vision 
from TP/BP 7.0, and there's quite a lot documentation for TV - 
searching on the Internet for "Turbo Vision" together with "Pascal" 
(to make sure the found pages talk about the version written in 
Pascal, not the port for C/C++), possibly combining with other words 
like "reference", "book", "manual", etc., should find some resources 
(including the freeware e-book "Turbo Pascal Reference" and others). 
Furthermore, there were quite a few books published about this topic 
(in many languages), so I'm fairly sure at least some of them should 
be available somewhere (at least on places like Amazon and/or eBay).

Hope this helps


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