[fpc-pascal] Cross-platform lightweight/fpc SQLite bindings?

Luiz Américo pascalive at bol.com.br
Wed Oct 26 18:18:12 CEST 2005

Alan Mead wrote:

> On both Linux and Windows, I'm using the binary libraries from
> sqlite.org.  The bindings themselves fail to compile.  It looks like
> a Windows-specific call is being used.

It does not use any windows calls. I just tested in Slackware linux and 
works OK.
Please use the files i mentioned earlier. Try to compile sqlite3.pp 
found in svn and return what you find.

> The Wiki says that the bindings work with >= 2.83 ... does that
> include 3.x? 

The wiki does not mention sqlite3 because there's no released version of 
fpc that includes it. As soon as fpc 2.0.2 arrives i'll update.

BTW: there's any prevision when fpc 2.0.2 will be released?

 >  Or do I need to go get the bindings below?

The only sqlite bindings supported by fpc are these AFAIK. There's another?


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