[fpc-pascal] Download file

Paul Davidson pdavidson at coraxnetworks.com
Fri Nov 18 22:04:30 CET 2005

Nice rant :)

On Nov 18, 2005, at 15:48, L wrote:

>> It does not work as is on Mac, but then, most people don't care.  
>> *cry*
> <rant flamebait offtopic>
> I would consider a Mac if they didn't weld them shut like those iMacs. 
> Talk about
> closed source hardware.
> Of course for every complaint I make someone will come back with "but 
> you can buy
> Macs with a tower case and a separate monitor". That's not the point. 
> The point is
> that the majority of them out there are welded shut (if I were to buy 
> a used one for
> example).
> I'm quite interested in Mac's since they have a Pascal history.
> But they sure ruined it with Jobs' colorful Pascal poster and colorful 
> welded shut
> iMacs. Otherwise, I would have researched them further. I've also had 
> quite a few
> crashes when setting up a Mac for networking, so the "no bugs on Macs" 
> pick-up line
> doesn't hold out. I would never ever claim that XYZ computer has less 
> bugs than ABC
> computer if I was a marketing company. That's poor marketing and just 
> asking to be
> proven wrong.
> </rant flamebait offtopic>
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P Davidson
Corax Networks Inc.

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