[fpc-pascal] Lazarus and FPC integration

L505 fpc505 at z505.com
Tue Nov 1 01:34:20 CET 2005

>These are all good things, but if the IDE editor can't handle basic stuff like
>international characters it's not very useful. Another thing is that the IDE
>looks very ugly. I know these are Linux especific, in windows Laz is great.

I think that is GTK. I'm still messing around with fonts and things in GTK. I think the big
problem with GTK fonts/sizes is that they aren't customizable on the fly in many distros?
(i.e. fonts must be set up in some text config file which people rarely play with?)

>Btw, i hate Java :-)

Why? :-) I'll add some reasons to the JAVA-SUCKS PasWiki page if you want. :-) And of course
that with a grain of salt also.

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