[fpc-pascal] Clone the freepascal.org/contrib/ section...

Michalis Kamburelis michalis at camelot.homedns.org
Mon May 16 02:56:51 CEST 2005

L505 wrote:
> Hi,
> I think maybe another section "Contributed Examples" could be useful in addition to contributed units In this
> cloned section, it will appear similar to the Contributed Units section, but in fact it is a "contributed
> examples" section.  This way users can upload descriptions of their example programs designed with freepascal,
> and point to a url and FTP to download that example. (i.e. small programs demonstrating how to use freepascal
> and her units).
> Another idea would be to have another cloned section called "Contributed Programs". This section could contain
> all programs designed with freepascal that are fully working shipped with sources and/or binaries. I see some
> fully working binary programs right now in the Misc section but I think they'd be good having their own
> section on the site. This way users can upload descriptions of their functional programs designed with
> freepascal, and point to a url and FTP to download that functional program. (i.e. freecommander, DelphiOS,
> FPS - IDE, etc.).
> What do you think?
> Also, if you want me to help let me know.. I can maybe do things like this.. are you guys using PHP and MySql
> to manage the site?
> I may also just make a dedicated freepascal section on my domain and server.. doing the above tasks using PSP,
> so either way.
> Lars

I think that you can create such longer descriptions of contributed 
things in FPC wiki, [http://www.freepascal.org/wiki/]. On main page 
there is a link to "Contributed Units". Just follow it, create new page, 
and list there various pages describing contributed things. Then you can 
create whole pages dedicated to some particular contributed things.


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