[fpc-pascal] Question about interfaces and patch
Michael Van Canneyt
michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be
Thu Mar 24 09:06:46 CET 2005
On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 ml at brainwashers.org wrote:
> Quoting Michael Van Canneyt <michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be>:
>> On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 ml at brainwashers.org wrote:
>>> Quoting Marco van de Voort <marcov at stack.nl>:
>>>>> On Tue, 22 Mar 2005, ml wrote:
>>>>>> // than one interface
>>>>>> a := (object as IA); // correct
>>>>>> b := (object as IB); // returns pointer to the first interface
>>> vmt=IA
>>>>>> c := (object as IC); // returns pointer to the first interface
>>> vmt=IA
>>>>>> // there's no way to do again it's like direct call to exception
>>>>>> obj := a; // returns pointer(obj) + 12 ???
>>>>> This is nonsense. You cannot assign an interface to a class.
>>>>> A class IMPLEMENTS an interface, it is not an interface.
>>> Ok, its nonsense. I said it already works with my patch, but I guess you
>>> know it better. So my example down there doesn't work (with patch). You
>>> should know.
>>> I (; can't ;) transfer from one interface to other back to object and to
>>> 3rd interface. I just imagine my results.
>> Tell me, what is
>> obj := a;
>> supposed to DO ? A class has a set of methods. Some of these methods form
>> the VMT of an interface. What your code does, is say
>> "don't use your VMT methods, use these instead' ?
> Yes, exactly. I even provided test example at the bottom of my previous message,
> where I transfered from class to IA, back to class and then to ID. And called
> ID.D; And it just works (this is also nice start for blind properties
> implementation, which now also became possible, since original vmt is now visible)
> But, It should be used as
> if (TObject(a).InheritedFrom(TSomeClass)) then begin
> obj := TSomeClass(a); // note that here obj is declared as TSomeClass
> // now safely use as this vmt
> end;
> if SupportsInterface(TObject(a), IB) then begin
> ibvar := a; // declared ibvar: IB
> // now safely use as this vmt
> end;
> in perfect world "is" would return InheritedFrom or SupportsInterface result and
> not actual class check, if true then all needed operations are satisfied.
I can understand that 'is' should be able to check interfaces; this is a
useful patch.
I also understand what your code should do.
BUT I see some flaws in your design.
IA = Interface
procedure InitF;
TA = class(TObject,IA)
F : TList;
Procedure InitF;
Procedure B;
Procedure TA.InitF;
Procedure TA.B;
A : TA;
C : IA;
C:=SomeIA; // Get an IA interface from somewhere.
A.InitF; // <<--- Which InitF should be used ?
A.B; // Crash or not ?
If TA.InitF is used, then B runs OK, but then A:=C has no meaning at all.
If the InitF from C is used, then F will not be initialized, and B will
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