[fpc-pascal] selecting target processor

Florian Klaempfl florian at freepascal.org
Sun Jun 19 22:49:44 CEST 2005

Jonas Maebe wrote:

> On 19 Jun 2005, at 20:48, Marc Santhoff wrote:
>> how can I tell fpc to use only instructions supported on a specific
>> processor?
>> I'm compiling on an athlon for running on a geode (restriction has to
>> define instruction set from x686 to x586, I think).
> In theory, the code generated by FPC should always run on an i386  (even
> if you use e.g. -Op3), unless you use some special command line 
> switches I cannot find in the help. 

  -C<x>  code generation options:
      -Cc<x>     set default calling convention to <x>
      -CD        create also dynamic library (not supported)
      -Ce        Compilation with emulated floating point opcodes
      -Cf<x>     Select fpu instruction set to use, see fpc -i for
possible values
      -Cg        Generate PIC code
      -Ch<n>     <n> bytes heap (between 1023 and 67107840)
      -Ci        IO-checking
      -Cn        omit linking stage
      -Co        check overflow of integer operations
      -Cp<x>     select instruction set, see fpc -i for possible values

That is it :)

> Other behaviour indicates a bug. 
> Can you figure out which instruction it is that causes this?
> Jonas
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