[fpc-pascal] C++ > C wrapper callback > Pascal Continues

Urbansound urbansound at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jul 27 13:45:33 CEST 2005

>> //------------------------------------
>> PASCAL WRAPPER function being called is below
>> DllExport void SetL1Callback(TL1Callback p) { DasApi.m_pL1Callback=p; };
>> There  seems to be nothing I can find that would cause a Runtime 217 in
>> the
>> layout and now finding C conversion of same is working.
>> Can anyone else please confirm if this should work, or is a bug report be
>> in
>> order??
> Peter Vreman wrote:
> A bug report is only in order if there are complete sources otherwise it
> can't be reproduced.
>> Thanks to all, whoever may have additional ideas.     Mike
> Are the pascal units are initialized? A call to FPC_INITIALIZEUNITS is
> required otherwise the memorymanager etc. will not work.

Thank you Peter,

>From the scant references I have found regarding FPC_INITIALIZEUNITS Peter, 
I would think you have the likely cause.  Unfortunately, the 2.0.0. Docs, 
nor the Web docs make reference to the function, (if it is a function), and 
Google seems to have only few examples.

Where can I find documentation on FPC_INITIALIZEUNITS and is it valid in 
fpc-2.0.0, being the docs don't refer it?


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