[fpc-pascal] Embedded ARM system unit
Carsten Bager
carsten at beas.dk
Mon Aug 22 13:31:52 CEST 2005
I am in the first stage of creating a system unit for
Embedded ARM. Things are working but I get a lot of
Warnings and Hints (Se below).
Should I be worried about this?
In the "fpc_InitializeUnits" procedure I have excluded the call
to the "fpc_cpuinit" procedure, my system cannot start if it is
included in the start up code. I cannot figure out the meaning
of this procedure. Dos anyone know what it is meant to do.
procedure fpc_cpuinit;
rfs r0
and r0,r0,#0xffe0ffff
orr r0,r0,#0x00020000
wfs r0
Hint: End of reading config file fpc.cfg
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.0.0 [2005/05/15] for arm
Copyright (c) 1993-2005 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for ARM
Compiling system.pp
generic.inc(95,7) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
generic.inc(365,14) Hint: Type "ppointer" redefinition
generic.inc(403,14) Hint: Type "ppointer" redefinition
generic.inc(429,14) Hint: Type "ppointer" redefinition
generic.inc(439,7) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
generic.inc(430,10) Hint: Local type "pvmt" is not used
generic.inc(558,13) Hint: Type "pstring" redefinition
generic.inc(595,13) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords
gives a 64bit result
generic.inc(678,3) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data /
range check error
generic.inc(679,17) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data /
range check error
generic.inc(1094,8) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
generic.inc(1095,40) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
compproc.inc(285,23) Hint: Parameter "d" not used
compproc.inc(294,23) Hint: Parameter "d" not used
compproc.inc(295,24) Hint: Parameter "d" not used
math.inc(41,5) Warning: Comment level 2 found
math.inc(44,7) Warning: Comment level 2 found
math.inc(50,5) Warning: Comment level 2 found
math.inc(53,7) Warning: Comment level 2 found
math.inc(59,5) Warning: Comment level 2 found
math.inc(62,7) Warning: Comment level 2 found
math.inc(68,5) Warning: Comment level 2 found
math.inc(71,7) Warning: Comment level 2 found
math.inc(84,5) Warning: Comment level 2 found
math.inc(88,5) Warning: Comment level 2 found
math.inc(92,5) Warning: Comment level 2 found
math.inc(96,5) Warning: Comment level 2 found
genmath.inc(155,11) Hint: Local variable "aSigExtra" does not seem to
be initialized
genmath.inc(155,11) Hint: Local variable "absZ" does not seem to be
genmath.inc(293,9) Warning: unreachable code
genmath.inc(296,10) Hint: Local variable "f64" does not seem to be
genmath.inc(311,10) Hint: Local variable "f32" does not seem to be
genmath.inc(310,8) Warning: unreachable code
genmath.inc(875,13) Hint: Local variable "e" does not seem to be
sstrings.inc(82,30) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords
gives a 64bit result
sstrings.inc(84,35) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords
gives a 64bit result
sstrings.inc(347,6) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
real2str.inc(178,12) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data /
range check error
real2str.inc(386,15) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data /
range check error
real2str.inc(419,11) Hint: Local variable "power" does not seem to be
real2str.inc(82,3) Hint: Local const "minexp" is not used
sstrings.inc(439,3) Hint: Local variable "ss" does not seem to be
sstrings.inc(459,3) Hint: Local variable "ss" does not seem to be
sstrings.inc(477,3) Hint: Local variable "ss" does not seem to be
sstrings.inc(493,3) Hint: Local variable "ss" does not seem to be
sstrings.inc(511,3) Hint: Local variable "ss" does not seem to be
sstrings.inc(583,9) Hint: Local variable "base" does not seem to be
sstrings.inc(583,9) Hint: Local variable "negative" does not seem to be
sstrings.inc(638,9) Hint: Local variable "base" does not seem to be
sstrings.inc(638,9) Hint: Local variable "negative" does not seem to be
sstrings.inc(680,11) Hint: Local variable "base" does not seem to be
sstrings.inc(680,11) Hint: Local variable "negative" does not seem to be
sstrings.inc(741,11) Hint: Local variable "base" does not seem to be
sstrings.inc(741,11) Hint: Local variable "negative" does not seem to be
astrings.inc(72,3) Hint: Local variable "P" does not seem to be
astrings.inc(103,14) Hint: Type "pSizeInt" redefinition
astrings.inc(746,3) Hint: Local variable "ss" does not seem to be
astrings.inc(759,3) Hint: Local variable "SS" does not seem to be
astrings.inc(773,3) Hint: Local variable "SS" does not seem to be
astrings.inc(784,3) Hint: Local variable "SS" does not seem to be
astrings.inc(794,3) Hint: Local variable "SS" does not seem to be
dynarr.inc(40,9) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
dynarr.inc(41,11) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
dynarr.inc(41,36) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
dynarr.inc(203,11) Hint: Local variable "newp" does not seem to be
dynarr.inc(359,6) Hint: Local variable "realpdest" does not seem to be
objpas.inc(172,22) Hint: Local variable "IOffset" does not seem to be
objpas.inc(215,12) Hint: Local variable "p" does not seem to be
objpash.inc(124,38) Hint: Parameter "exceptobject" not used
objpash.inc(125,13) Hint: Parameter "exceptaddr" not used
objpas.inc(414,21) Hint: Type "pdword" redefinition
objpas.inc(414,21) Hint: Local type "pdword" is not used
objpas.inc(455,32) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
objpas.inc(498,26) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
objpas.inc(499,32) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
objpash.inc(126,40) Hint: Parameter "message" not used
objpash.inc(152,43) Hint: Parameter "message" not used
objpas.inc(570,20) Hint: Local variable "count" does not seem to be
objpas.inc(577,24) Hint: Local variable "recelem" does not seem to be
except.inc(316,23) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
system.inc(472,8) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
system.inc(501,3) Hint: Local variable "s" does not seem to be
system.inc(674,63) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
system.inc(705,33) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
system.inc(717,5) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data /
range check error
system.inc(749,5) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data /
range check error
system.inc(842,3) Hint: Local variable "p" does not seem to be
system.inc(896,3) Hint: Local variable "p" does not seem to be
systemh.inc(704,64) Hint: Parameter "ErrorAddr" not used
setjump.inc(24,6) Warning: Label not defined "FPC_SETJMP"
syscall.inc(50,9) Warning: 32bit constant created for address
syscall.inc(52,9) Warning: 32bit constant created for address
syscall.inc(81,9) Warning: 32bit constant created for address
syscall.inc(83,9) Warning: 32bit constant created for address
syscall.inc(112,9) Warning: 32bit constant created for address
syscall.inc(114,9) Warning: 32bit constant created for address
syscall.inc(143,9) Warning: 32bit constant created for address
syscall.inc(145,9) Warning: 32bit constant created for address
syscall.inc(175,9) Warning: 32bit constant created for address
syscall.inc(177,9) Warning: 32bit constant created for address
syscall.inc(208,9) Warning: 32bit constant created for address
syscall.inc(210,9) Warning: 32bit constant created for address
syscall.inc(242,9) Warning: 32bit constant created for address
syscall.inc(244,9) Warning: 32bit constant created for address
ossysc.inc(26,38) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
ossysc.inc(36,37) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
ossysc.inc(57,41) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
ossysc.inc(63,42) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
ossysc.inc(69,42) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
ossysc.inc(75,42) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
ossysc.inc(75,57) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
ossysc.inc(81,37) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
ossysc.inc(81,53) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
ossysc.inc(92,39) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
ossysc.inc(98,40) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
ossysc.inc(104,39) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(116,6) Hint: Local variable "st" does not seem to be
ossysc.inc(125,35) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data /
range check error
ossysc.inc(157,72) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(163,31) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data /
range check error
ossysc.inc(166,19) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(166,11) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(213,66) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(213,81) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(229,54) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(302,45) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(323,41) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(392,21) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(398,46) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(398,11) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(410,42) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(427,73) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(443,47) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(443,63) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(459,70) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(459,86) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(465,48) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(465,63) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(474,53) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
ossysc.inc(474,67) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
thread.inc(53,22) Hint: Local variable "dummy" does not seem to be
thread.inc(61,22) Hint: Local variable "dummy" does not seem to be
thread.inc(295,10) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
thread.inc(295,24) Hint: Parameter "sa" not used
thread.inc(295,37) Hint: Parameter "stacksize" not used
thread.inc(296,22) Hint: Parameter "ThreadFunction" not used
thread.inc(296,51) Hint: Parameter "p" not used
thread.inc(297,22) Hint: Parameter "creationFlags" not used
thread.inc(297,49) Hint: Parameter "ThreadId" not used
thread.inc(302,23) Hint: Parameter "ExitCode" not used
thread.inc(307,11) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
thread.inc(307,28) Hint: Parameter "threadHandle" not used
thread.inc(317,11) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
thread.inc(317,37) Hint: Parameter "threadHandle" not used
thread.inc(317,63) Hint: Parameter "TimeoutMs" not used
thread.inc(322,11) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
thread.inc(322,32) Hint: Parameter "threadHandle" not used
thread.inc(322,58) Hint: Parameter "Prio" not used
thread.inc(327,11) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
thread.inc(327,32) Hint: Parameter "threadHandle" not used
thread.inc(341,33) Hint: Parameter "CS" not used
thread.inc(350,31) Hint: Parameter "offset" not used
thread.inc(350,46) Hint: Parameter "size" not used
thread.inc(356,10) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
thread.inc(356,30) Hint: Parameter "offset" not used
thread.inc(375,11) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
thread.inc(375,30) Hint: Parameter "EventAttributes" not used
thread.inc(375,57) Hint: Parameter "AManualReset" not used
thread.inc(375,70) Hint: Parameter "InitialState" not used
thread.inc(375,99) Hint: Parameter "Name" not used
thread.inc(381,31) Hint: Parameter "state" not used
thread.inc(387,34) Hint: Parameter "state" not used
thread.inc(393,32) Hint: Parameter "state" not used
thread.inc(399,11) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
thread.inc(399,31) Hint: Parameter "Timeout" not used
thread.inc(399,50) Hint: Parameter "state" not used
thread.inc(405,11) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
thread.inc(414,29) Hint: Parameter "state" not used
thread.inc(423,30) Hint: Parameter "state" not used
thread.inc(429,31) Hint: Parameter "state" not used
thread.inc(435,29) Hint: Parameter "state" not used
thread.inc(441,36) Hint: Parameter "state" not used
thread.inc(441,52) Hint: Parameter "timeout" not used
thread.inc(447,26) Hint: Parameter "m" not used
thread.inc(447,39) Hint: Parameter "p" not used
sysfile.inc(17,20) Hint: Parameter "Handle" not used
sysfile.inc(24,20) Hint: Parameter "p" not used
sysfile.inc(52,24) Hint: Parameter "handle" not used
sysfile.inc(52,39) Hint: Parameter "fpos" not used
sysfile.inc(66,21) Hint: Parameter "p1" not used
sysfile.inc(66,24) Hint: Parameter "p2" not used
sysfile.inc(77,10) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
sysfile.inc(77,19) Hint: Parameter "Handle" not used
sysfile.inc(77,34) Hint: Parameter "Addr" not used
sysfile.inc(77,47) Hint: Parameter "Len" not used
sysfile.inc(98,10) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
sysfile.inc(98,18) Hint: Parameter "Handle" not used
sysfile.inc(98,33) Hint: Parameter "Addr" not used
sysfile.inc(98,46) Hint: Parameter "Len" not used
sysfile.inc(118,10) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
sysfile.inc(118,21) Hint: Parameter "Handle" not used
sysfile.inc(129,19) Hint: Parameter "Handle" not used
sysfile.inc(129,34) Hint: Parameter "Pos" not used
sysfile.inc(139,10) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
sysfile.inc(139,21) Hint: Parameter "Handle" not used
sysfile.inc(150,10) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
sysfile.inc(150,22) Hint: Parameter "Handle" not used
sysfile.inc(170,23) Hint: Parameter "f" not used
sysfile.inc(170,25) Hint: Parameter "p" not used
sysfile.inc(170,33) Hint: Parameter "flags" not used
text.inc(127,38) Hint: Parameter "defHdl" not used
text.inc(219,3) Hint: Local variable "p" does not seem to be initialized
text.inc(642,3) Hint: Local variable "s" does not seem to be initialized
text.inc(653,3) Hint: Local variable "s" does not seem to be initialized
text.inc(666,3) Hint: Local variable "s" does not seem to be initialized
text.inc(676,3) Hint: Local variable "s" does not seem to be initialized
text.inc(688,3) Hint: Local variable "s" does not seem to be initialized
text.inc(1072,6) Hint: Local variable "code" does not seem to be
text.inc(1128,3) Hint: Local variable "code" does not seem to be
text.inc(1226,3) Hint: Local variable "code" does not seem to be
text.inc(1273,3) Hint: Local variable "code" does not seem to be
file.inc(152,3) Hint: Local variable "l" does not seem to be initialized
file.inc(164,3) Hint: Local variable "l" does not seem to be initialized
file.inc(176,3) Hint: Local variable "l" does not seem to be initialized
file.inc(189,3) Hint: Local variable "Result" does not seem to be
file.inc(222,3) Hint: Local variable "l" does not seem to be initialized
file.inc(235,3) Hint: Local variable "l" does not seem to be initialized
file.inc(248,3) Hint: Local variable "l" does not seem to be initialized
file.inc(261,3) Hint: Local variable "Result" does not seem to be
file.inc(396,3) Hint: Local variable "p" does not seem to be initialized
sysdir.inc(34,3) Hint: Local variable "Buffer" does not seem to be
sysdir.inc(51,3) Hint: Local variable "Buffer" does not seem to be
sysdir.inc(66,3) Hint: Local variable "Buffer" does not seem to be
sysdir.inc(105,6) Hint: Local variable "rootinfo" does not seem to be
sysdir.inc(110,8) Hint: Local variable "cwdinfo" does not seem to be
sysdir.inc(125,11) Hint: Local variable "thisdir" does not seem to be
systemh.inc(656,18) Hint: Parameter "drivenr" not used
system.pp(52,10) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
systemh.inc(680,20) Hint: Parameter "l" not used
system.pp(75,3) Hint: Local variable "e" does not seem to be initialized
sighnd.inc(40,30) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
sighnd.inc(40,68) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not
sighnd.inc(23,7) Note: Local variable "fpustate" not used
sighnd.inc(20,42) Hint: Parameter "_a2" not used
sighnd.inc(20,46) Hint: Parameter "_a3" not used
sighnd.inc(20,50) Hint: Parameter "_a4" not used
sighnd.inc(20,63) Hint: Parameter "SigContext" not used
system.inc(47,3) Note: Local variable "initialstklen" not used
genmath.inc(48,7) Hint: Local const "SQRT2" is not used
genmath.inc(51,7) Hint: Local const "SQ2OPI" is not used
genmath.inc(52,7) Hint: Local const "LOGE2" is not used
genmath.inc(53,7) Hint: Local const "LOGSQ2" is not used
genmath.inc(54,7) Hint: Local const "THPIO4" is not used
genmath.inc(55,7) Hint: Local const "TWOOPI" is not used
except.inc(26,3) Hint: Local const "cExceptionFrame" is not used
except.inc(27,3) Hint: Local const "cFinalizeFrame" is not used
rtti.inc(21,8) Hint: Local const "tkUnknown" is not used
rtti.inc(22,8) Hint: Local const "tkInteger" is not used
rtti.inc(23,8) Hint: Local const "tkChar" is not used
rtti.inc(24,8) Hint: Local const "tkEnumeration" is not used
rtti.inc(25,8) Hint: Local const "tkFloat" is not used
rtti.inc(26,8) Hint: Local const "tkSet" is not used
rtti.inc(27,8) Hint: Local const "tkMethod" is not used
rtti.inc(29,8) Hint: Local const "tkString" is not used
rtti.inc(30,8) Hint: Local const "tkLString" is not used
rtti.inc(33,8) Hint: Local const "tkVariant" is not used
rtti.inc(37,8) Hint: Local const "tkClass" is not used
rtti.inc(39,8) Hint: Local const "tkWChar" is not used
rtti.inc(40,8) Hint: Local const "tkBool" is not used
rtti.inc(41,8) Hint: Local const "tkInt64" is not used
rtti.inc(42,8) Hint: Local const "tkQWord" is not used
errno.inc(157,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEPERM" is not used
errno.inc(159,3) Hint: Local const "ESysESRCH" is not used
errno.inc(162,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENXIO" is not used
errno.inc(163,3) Hint: Local const "ESysE2BIG" is not used
errno.inc(164,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOEXEC" is not used
errno.inc(166,3) Hint: Local const "ESysECHILD" is not used
errno.inc(171,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOTBLK" is not used
errno.inc(172,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEBUSY" is not used
errno.inc(174,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEXDEV" is not used
errno.inc(175,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENODEV" is not used
errno.inc(181,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOTTY" is not used
errno.inc(182,3) Hint: Local const "ESysETXTBSY" is not used
errno.inc(189,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEFBIG" is not used
errno.inc(191,3) Hint: Local const "ESysESPIPE" is not used
errno.inc(193,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEMLINK" is not used
errno.inc(195,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEDOM" is not used
errno.inc(196,3) Hint: Local const "ESysERANGE" is not used
errno.inc(199,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEDEADLK" is not used
errno.inc(201,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOLCK" is not used
errno.inc(202,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOSYS" is not used
errno.inc(204,3) Hint: Local const "ESysELOOP" is not used
errno.inc(205,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEWOULDBLOCK" is not used
errno.inc(206,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOMSG" is not used
errno.inc(207,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEIDRM" is not used
errno.inc(208,3) Hint: Local const "ESysECHRNG" is not used
errno.inc(209,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEL2NSYNC" is not used
errno.inc(210,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEL3HLT" is not used
errno.inc(211,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEL3RST" is not used
errno.inc(212,3) Hint: Local const "ESysELNRNG" is not used
errno.inc(213,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEUNATCH" is not used
errno.inc(214,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOCSI" is not used
errno.inc(215,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEL2HLT" is not used
errno.inc(216,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEBADE" is not used
errno.inc(217,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEBADR" is not used
errno.inc(218,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEXFULL" is not used
errno.inc(219,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOANO" is not used
errno.inc(220,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEBADRQC" is not used
errno.inc(221,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEBADSLT" is not used
errno.inc(222,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEDEADLOCK" is not used
errno.inc(223,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEBFONT" is not used
errno.inc(224,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOSTR" is not used
errno.inc(225,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENODATA" is not used
errno.inc(226,3) Hint: Local const "ESysETIME" is not used
errno.inc(227,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOSR" is not used
errno.inc(228,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENONET" is not used
errno.inc(229,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOPKG" is not used
errno.inc(230,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEREMOTE" is not used
errno.inc(231,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOLINK" is not used
errno.inc(232,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEADV" is not used
errno.inc(233,3) Hint: Local const "ESysESRMNT" is not used
errno.inc(234,3) Hint: Local const "ESysECOMM" is not used
errno.inc(235,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEPROTO" is not used
errno.inc(236,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEMULTIHOP" is not used
errno.inc(237,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEDOTDOT" is not used
errno.inc(238,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEBADMSG" is not used
errno.inc(239,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEOVERFLOW" is not used
errno.inc(240,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOTUNIQ" is not used
errno.inc(241,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEBADFD" is not used
errno.inc(242,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEREMCHG" is not used
errno.inc(243,3) Hint: Local const "ESysELIBACC" is not used
errno.inc(244,3) Hint: Local const "ESysELIBBAD" is not used
errno.inc(245,3) Hint: Local const "ESysELIBSCN" is not used
errno.inc(246,3) Hint: Local const "ESysELIBMAX" is not used
errno.inc(247,3) Hint: Local const "ESysELIBEXEC" is not used
errno.inc(248,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEILSEQ" is not used
errno.inc(249,3) Hint: Local const "ESysERESTART" is not used
errno.inc(250,3) Hint: Local const "ESysESTRPIPE" is not used
errno.inc(251,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEUSERS" is not used
errno.inc(252,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOTSOCK" is not used
errno.inc(253,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEDESTADDRREQ" is not used
errno.inc(254,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEMSGSIZE" is not used
errno.inc(255,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEPROTOTYPE" is not used
errno.inc(256,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOPROTOOPT" is not used
errno.inc(257,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEPROTONOSUPPORT" is not
errno.inc(258,3) Hint: Local const "ESysESOCKTNOSUPPORT" is not
errno.inc(259,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEOPNOTSUPP" is not used
errno.inc(260,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEPFNOSUPPORT" is not used
errno.inc(261,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEAFNOSUPPORT" is not used
errno.inc(262,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEADDRINUSE" is not used
errno.inc(263,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEADDRNOTAVAIL" is not used
errno.inc(264,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENETDOWN" is not used
errno.inc(265,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENETUNREACH" is not used
errno.inc(266,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENETRESET" is not used
errno.inc(267,3) Hint: Local const "ESysECONNABORTED" is not used
errno.inc(268,3) Hint: Local const "ESysECONNRESET" is not used
errno.inc(269,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOBUFS" is not used
errno.inc(270,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEISCONN" is not used
errno.inc(271,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOTCONN" is not used
errno.inc(272,3) Hint: Local const "ESysESHUTDOWN" is not used
errno.inc(273,3) Hint: Local const "ESysETOOMANYREFS" is not used
errno.inc(274,3) Hint: Local const "ESysETIMEDOUT" is not used
errno.inc(275,3) Hint: Local const "ESysECONNREFUSED" is not used
errno.inc(276,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEHOSTDOWN" is not used
errno.inc(277,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEHOSTUNREACH" is not used
errno.inc(278,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEALREADY" is not used
errno.inc(279,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEINPROGRESS" is not used
errno.inc(280,3) Hint: Local const "ESysESTALE" is not used
errno.inc(281,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEUCLEAN" is not used
errno.inc(282,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENOTNAM" is not used
errno.inc(283,3) Hint: Local const "ESysENAVAIL" is not used
errno.inc(284,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEISNAM" is not used
errno.inc(285,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEREMOTEIO" is not used
errno.inc(286,3) Hint: Local const "ESysEDQUOT" is not used
ctypes.inc(25,14) Hint: Local type "cInt8" is not used
ctypes.inc(26,14) Hint: Local type "cUInt8" is not used
ctypes.inc(27,14) Hint: Local type "cUInt16" is not used
ctypes.inc(28,14) Hint: Local type "cInt16" is not used
ctypes.inc(51,18) Hint: Local type "culonglong" is not used
ctypes.inc(59,16) Hint: Local type "pcUInt" is not used
ctypes.inc(60,16) Hint: Local type "pcLong" is not used
ctypes.inc(61,16) Hint: Local type "pculong" is not used
ctypes.inc(62,16) Hint: Local type "pcshort" is not used
ctypes.inc(63,16) Hint: Local type "pcushort" is not used
ctypes.inc(64,16) Hint: Local type "pcchar" is not used
ctypes.inc(65,16) Hint: Local type "pcuchar" is not used
ctypes.inc(68,18) Hint: Local type "pcunsigned" is not used
ctypes.inc(74,17) Hint: Local type "pcFloat" is not used
ctypes.inc(75,17) Hint: Local type "pcDouble" is not used
ctypes.inc(76,17) Hint: Local type "pclDouble" is not used
ptypes.inc(42,16) Hint: Local type "TDev" is not used
ptypes.inc(43,16) Hint: Local type "pDev" is not used
ptypes.inc(46,16) Hint: Local type "TkDev" is not used
ptypes.inc(47,16) Hint: Local type "pkDev" is not used
ptypes.inc(50,16) Hint: Local type "TGid" is not used
ptypes.inc(51,16) Hint: Local type "pGid" is not used
ptypes.inc(54,16) Hint: Local type "TIno" is not used
ptypes.inc(55,16) Hint: Local type "pIno" is not used
ptypes.inc(59,16) Hint: Local type "pMode" is not used
ptypes.inc(62,16) Hint: Local type "TnLink" is not used
ptypes.inc(63,16) Hint: Local type "pnLink" is not used
ptypes.inc(74,16) Hint: Local type "TOff" is not used
ptypes.inc(75,16) Hint: Local type "pOff" is not used
ptypes.inc(78,16) Hint: Local type "TPid" is not used
ptypes.inc(79,16) Hint: Local type "pPid" is not used
ptypes.inc(92,17) Hint: Local type "wint_t" is not used
ptypes.inc(93,17) Hint: Local type "TSize" is not used
ptypes.inc(95,17) Hint: Local type "psize_t" is not used
ptypes.inc(96,17) Hint: Local type "TSSize" is not used
ptypes.inc(97,17) Hint: Local type "pSSize" is not used
ptypes.inc(98,17) Hint: Local type "TClock" is not used
ptypes.inc(99,17) Hint: Local type "pClock" is not used
ptypes.inc(102,17) Hint: Local type "ptime_t" is not used
ptypes.inc(105,17) Hint: Local type "pwchar_t" is not used
ptypes.inc(108,16) Hint: Local type "TUid" is not used
ptypes.inc(109,16) Hint: Local type "pUid" is not used
ptypes.inc(112,16) Hint: Local type "TSockLen" is not used
ptypes.inc(113,16) Hint: Local type "pSockLen" is not used
ptypes.inc(120,17) Hint: Local type "TTimeVal" is not used
ptypes.inc(127,17) Hint: Local type "TTimeSpec" is not used
ptypes.inc(141,11) Hint: Local type "PStatFS" is not used
ptypes.inc(143,15) Hint: Local type "pthread_t" is not used
ptypes.inc(149,20) Hint: Local type "pthread_attr_t" is not used
ptypes.inc(166,21) Hint: Local type "pthread_mutex_t" is not used
ptypes.inc(174,25) Hint: Local type "pthread_mutexattr_t" is not used
ptypes.inc(178,20) Hint: Local type "pthread_cond_t" is not used
ptypes.inc(185,24) Hint: Local type "pthread_condattr_t" is not used
ptypes.inc(189,19) Hint: Local type "pthread_key_t" is not used
ptypes.inc(191,22) Hint: Local type "pthread_rwlock_t" is not used
ptypes.inc(200,26) Hint: Local type "pthread_rwlockattr_t" is not used
ptypes.inc(205,11) Hint: Local type "sem_t" is not used
ptypes.inc(220,5) Hint: Local const
ptypes.inc(221,5) Hint: Local const
ptypes.inc(222,5) Hint: Local const "_PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT" is
not used
ptypes.inc(223,5) Hint: Local const "_PTHREAD_MUTEX_FAST_NP" is
not used
ptypes.inc(229,5) Hint: Local const "ARG_MAX" is not used
ptypes.inc(230,5) Hint: Local const "NAME_MAX" is not used
ptypes.inc(231,5) Hint: Local const "PATH_MAX" is not used
ptypes.inc(240,3) Hint: Local const "Prio_Process" is not used
ptypes.inc(241,3) Hint: Local const "Prio_PGrp" is not used
ptypes.inc(242,3) Hint: Local const "Prio_User" is not used
ostypes.inc(37,4) Hint: Local const "wordsinfdset" is not used
ostypes.inc(39,4) Hint: Local const "ln2bitmask" is not used
ostypes.inc(48,17) Hint: Local type "TBlkSize" is not used
ostypes.inc(49,17) Hint: Local type "PBlkSize" is not used
ostypes.inc(50,17) Hint: Local type "TBlkCnt" is not used
ostypes.inc(51,17) Hint: Local type "PBlkCnt" is not used
ostypes.inc(52,17) Hint: Local type "TIno64" is not used
ostypes.inc(53,17) Hint: Local type "PIno64" is not used
ostypes.inc(54,17) Hint: Local type "TOff64" is not used
ostypes.inc(55,17) Hint: Local type "POff64" is not used
ostypes.inc(69,16) Hint: Local type "PUtsName" is not used
ostypes.inc(78,16) Hint: Local type "TStat" is not used
ostypes.inc(79,16) Hint: Local type "PStat" is not used
ostypes.inc(140,16) Hint: Local type "TDirent" is not used
ostypes.inc(169,16) Hint: Local type "TDir" is not used
ostypes.inc(178,16) Hint: Local type "TUtimBuf" is not used
ostypes.inc(179,16) Hint: Local type "pUtimBuf" is not used
ostypes.inc(181,16) Hint: Local type "FLock" is not used
ostypes.inc(200,16) Hint: Local type "TTms" is not used
ostypes.inc(201,16) Hint: Local type "PTms" is not used
ostypes.inc(204,14) Hint: Local type "pFDSet" is not used
ostypes.inc(210,15) Hint: Local type "TTimeZone" is not used
ostypes.inc(217,5) Hint: Local const "F_OK" is not used
ostypes.inc(218,5) Hint: Local const "R_OK" is not used
ostypes.inc(219,5) Hint: Local const "W_OK" is not used
ostypes.inc(220,5) Hint: Local const "X_OK" is not used
ostypes.inc(222,5) Hint: Local const "SEEK_SET" is not used
ostypes.inc(223,5) Hint: Local const "SEEK_CUR" is not used
ostypes.inc(224,5) Hint: Local const "SEEK_END" is not used
ostypes.inc(228,5) Hint: Local const "O_WRONLY" is not used
ostypes.inc(229,5) Hint: Local const "O_RDWR" is not used
ostypes.inc(244,5) Hint: Local const "O_CREAT" is not used
ostypes.inc(245,5) Hint: Local const "O_EXCL" is not used
ostypes.inc(246,5) Hint: Local const "O_NOCTTY" is not used
ostypes.inc(247,5) Hint: Local const "O_TRUNC" is not used
ostypes.inc(248,5) Hint: Local const "O_APPEND" is not used
ostypes.inc(250,5) Hint: Local const "O_NDELAY" is not used
ostypes.inc(251,5) Hint: Local const "O_SYNC" is not used
ostypes.inc(252,5) Hint: Local const "O_DIRECT" is not used
ostypes.inc(253,5) Hint: Local const "O_LARGEFILE" is not used
ostypes.inc(254,5) Hint: Local const "O_DIRECTORY" is not used
ostypes.inc(255,5) Hint: Local const "O_NOFOLLOW" is not used
ostypes.inc(270,5) Hint: Local const "WNOHANG" is not used
ostypes.inc(271,5) Hint: Local const "WUNTRACED" is not used
ostypes.inc(289,3) Hint: Local const "F_GetFd" is not used
ostypes.inc(290,3) Hint: Local const "F_SetFd" is not used
ostypes.inc(291,3) Hint: Local const "F_GetFl" is not used
ostypes.inc(292,3) Hint: Local const "F_SetFl" is not used
ostypes.inc(293,3) Hint: Local const "F_GetLk" is not used
ostypes.inc(294,3) Hint: Local const "F_SetLk" is not used
ostypes.inc(295,3) Hint: Local const "F_SetLkW" is not used
ostypes.inc(296,3) Hint: Local const "F_SetOwn" is not used
ostypes.inc(297,3) Hint: Local const "F_GetOwn" is not used
signal.inc(32,3) Hint: Local const "SA_NOCLDSTOP" is not used
signal.inc(33,3) Hint: Local const "SA_NOCLDWAIT" is not used
signal.inc(35,3) Hint: Local const "SA_SHIRQ" is not used
signal.inc(36,3) Hint: Local const "SA_STACK" is not used
signal.inc(37,3) Hint: Local const "SA_RESTART" is not used
signal.inc(38,3) Hint: Local const "SA_INTERRUPT" is not used
signal.inc(39,3) Hint: Local const "SA_NOMASK" is not used
signal.inc(40,3) Hint: Local const "SA_ONESHOT" is not used
signal.inc(42,3) Hint: Local const "SIG_BLOCK" is not used
signal.inc(44,3) Hint: Local const "SIG_SETMASK" is not used
signal.inc(47,3) Hint: Local const "SIG_DFL" is not used
signal.inc(48,3) Hint: Local const "SIG_IGN" is not used
signal.inc(49,3) Hint: Local const "SIG_ERR" is not used
signal.inc(87,3) Hint: Local const "SIGHUP" is not used
signal.inc(88,3) Hint: Local const "SIGINT" is not used
signal.inc(89,3) Hint: Local const "SIGQUIT" is not used
signal.inc(91,3) Hint: Local const "SIGTRAP" is not used
signal.inc(92,3) Hint: Local const "SIGABRT" is not used
signal.inc(93,3) Hint: Local const "SIGIOT" is not used
signal.inc(96,3) Hint: Local const "SIGKILL" is not used
signal.inc(97,3) Hint: Local const "SIGUSR1" is not used
signal.inc(99,3) Hint: Local const "SIGUSR2" is not used
signal.inc(100,3) Hint: Local const "SIGPIPE" is not used
signal.inc(101,3) Hint: Local const "SIGALRM" is not used
signal.inc(102,3) Hint: Local const "SIGTerm" is not used
signal.inc(103,3) Hint: Local const "SIGSTKFLT" is not used
signal.inc(104,3) Hint: Local const "SIGCHLD" is not used
signal.inc(105,3) Hint: Local const "SIGCONT" is not used
signal.inc(106,3) Hint: Local const "SIGSTOP" is not used
signal.inc(107,3) Hint: Local const "SIGTSTP" is not used
signal.inc(108,3) Hint: Local const "SIGTTIN" is not used
signal.inc(109,3) Hint: Local const "SIGTTOU" is not used
signal.inc(110,3) Hint: Local const "SIGURG" is not used
signal.inc(111,3) Hint: Local const "SIGXCPU" is not used
signal.inc(112,3) Hint: Local const "SIGXFSZ" is not used
signal.inc(113,3) Hint: Local const "SIGVTALRM" is not used
signal.inc(114,3) Hint: Local const "SIGPROF" is not used
signal.inc(115,3) Hint: Local const "SIGWINCH" is not used
signal.inc(117,3) Hint: Local const "SIGPOLL" is not used
signal.inc(118,3) Hint: Local const "SIGPWR" is not used
signal.inc(119,3) Hint: Local const "SIGUNUSED" is not used
signal.inc(131,13) Hint: Local type "psigset_t" is not used
signal.inc(177,21) Hint: Local type "PSignalHandler" is not used
signal.inc(179,21) Hint: Local type "PSignalRestorer" is not used
signal.inc(202,19) Hint: Local type "TSigActionRec" is not used
sysnr.inc(32,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_creat" is not used
sysnr.inc(33,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_link" is not used
sysnr.inc(35,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_execve" is not used
sysnr.inc(38,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_mknod" is not used
sysnr.inc(39,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_chmod" is not used
sysnr.inc(40,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_lchown" is not used
sysnr.inc(41,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_break" is not used
sysnr.inc(45,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_mount" is not used
sysnr.inc(46,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_umount" is not used
sysnr.inc(47,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setuid" is not used
sysnr.inc(48,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getuid" is not used
sysnr.inc(49,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_stime" is not used
sysnr.inc(50,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_ptrace" is not used
sysnr.inc(51,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_alarm" is not used
sysnr.inc(53,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_pause" is not used
sysnr.inc(54,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_utime" is not used
sysnr.inc(55,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_stty" is not used
sysnr.inc(56,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_gtty" is not used
sysnr.inc(58,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_nice" is not used
sysnr.inc(59,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_ftime" is not used
sysnr.inc(60,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sync" is not used
sysnr.inc(61,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_kill" is not used
sysnr.inc(66,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_pipe" is not used
sysnr.inc(67,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_times" is not used
sysnr.inc(68,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_prof" is not used
sysnr.inc(69,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_brk" is not used
sysnr.inc(70,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setgid" is not used
sysnr.inc(71,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getgid" is not used
sysnr.inc(72,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_signal" is not used
sysnr.inc(73,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_geteuid" is not used
sysnr.inc(74,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getegid" is not used
sysnr.inc(75,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_acct" is not used
sysnr.inc(76,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_umount2" is not used
sysnr.inc(77,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_lock" is not used
sysnr.inc(79,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_fcntl" is not used
sysnr.inc(80,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_mpx" is not used
sysnr.inc(81,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setpgid" is not used
sysnr.inc(82,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_ulimit" is not used
sysnr.inc(84,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_umask" is not used
sysnr.inc(85,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_chroot" is not used
sysnr.inc(86,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_ustat" is not used
sysnr.inc(88,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getppid" is not used
sysnr.inc(89,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getpgrp" is not used
sysnr.inc(90,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setsid" is not used
sysnr.inc(91,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sigaction" is not used
sysnr.inc(92,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sgetmask" is not used
sysnr.inc(93,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_ssetmask" is not used
sysnr.inc(94,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setreuid" is not used
sysnr.inc(95,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setregid" is not used
sysnr.inc(96,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sigsuspend" is not used
sysnr.inc(97,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sigpending" is not used
sysnr.inc(98,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sethostname" is not used
sysnr.inc(99,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setrlimit" is not used
sysnr.inc(100,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getrlimit" is not used
sysnr.inc(101,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getrusage" is not used
sysnr.inc(103,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_settimeofday" is not used
sysnr.inc(104,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getgroups" is not used
sysnr.inc(105,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setgroups" is not used
sysnr.inc(106,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_select" is not used
sysnr.inc(107,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_symlink" is not used
sysnr.inc(110,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_uselib" is not used
sysnr.inc(111,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_swapon" is not used
sysnr.inc(112,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_reboot" is not used
sysnr.inc(113,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_readdir" is not used
sysnr.inc(116,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_truncate" is not used
sysnr.inc(118,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_fchmod" is not used
sysnr.inc(119,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_fchown" is not used
sysnr.inc(120,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getpriority" is not used
sysnr.inc(121,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setpriority" is not used
sysnr.inc(122,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_profil" is not used
sysnr.inc(123,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_statfs" is not used
sysnr.inc(124,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_fstatfs" is not used
sysnr.inc(125,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_ioperm" is not used
sysnr.inc(126,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_socketcall" is not used
sysnr.inc(127,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_syslog" is not used
sysnr.inc(128,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setitimer" is not used
sysnr.inc(129,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getitimer" is not used
sysnr.inc(131,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_lstat" is not used
sysnr.inc(133,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_vhangup" is not used
sysnr.inc(134,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_idle" is not used
sysnr.inc(135,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_syscall" is not used
sysnr.inc(137,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_swapoff" is not used
sysnr.inc(138,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sysinfo" is not used
sysnr.inc(139,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_ipc" is not used
sysnr.inc(140,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_fsync" is not used
sysnr.inc(141,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sigreturn" is not used
sysnr.inc(142,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_clone" is not used
sysnr.inc(143,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setdomainname" is not
sysnr.inc(144,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_uname" is not used
sysnr.inc(145,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_modify_ldt" is not used
sysnr.inc(146,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_adjtimex" is not used
sysnr.inc(147,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_mprotect" is not used
sysnr.inc(148,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sigprocmask" is not used
sysnr.inc(149,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_create_module" is not
sysnr.inc(150,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_init_module" is not used
sysnr.inc(151,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_delete_module" is not
sysnr.inc(152,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_get_kernel_syms" is not
sysnr.inc(153,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_quotactl" is not used
sysnr.inc(154,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getpgid" is not used
sysnr.inc(155,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_fchdir" is not used
sysnr.inc(156,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_bdflush" is not used
sysnr.inc(157,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sysfs" is not used
sysnr.inc(158,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_personality" is not used
sysnr.inc(159,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_afs_syscall" is not used
sysnr.inc(160,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setfsuid" is not used
sysnr.inc(161,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setfsgid" is not used
sysnr.inc(162,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr__llseek" is not used
sysnr.inc(164,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr__newselect" is not used
sysnr.inc(165,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_flock" is not used
sysnr.inc(166,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_msync" is not used
sysnr.inc(167,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_readv" is not used
sysnr.inc(168,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_writev" is not used
sysnr.inc(169,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getsid" is not used
sysnr.inc(170,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_fdatasync" is not used
sysnr.inc(171,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr__sysctl" is not used
sysnr.inc(172,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_mlock" is not used
sysnr.inc(173,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_munlock" is not used
sysnr.inc(174,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_mlockall" is not used
sysnr.inc(175,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_munlockall" is not used
sysnr.inc(176,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sched_setparam" is not
sysnr.inc(177,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sched_getparam" is not
sysnr.inc(178,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sched_setscheduler" is
not used
sysnr.inc(179,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sched_getscheduler" is
not used
sysnr.inc(180,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sched_yield" is not used
sysnr.inc(181,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sched_get_priority_max"
is not used
sysnr.inc(182,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sched_get_priority_min"
is not used
sysnr.inc(183,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sched_rr_get_interval" is
not used
sysnr.inc(185,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_mremap" is not used
sysnr.inc(186,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setresuid" is not used
sysnr.inc(187,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getresuid" is not used
sysnr.inc(188,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_vm86" is not used
sysnr.inc(189,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_query_module" is not
sysnr.inc(190,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_poll" is not used
sysnr.inc(191,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_nfsservctl" is not used
sysnr.inc(192,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setresgid" is not used
sysnr.inc(193,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getresgid" is not used
sysnr.inc(194,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_prctl" is not used
sysnr.inc(195,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_rt_sigreturn" is not used
sysnr.inc(198,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_rt_sigpending" is not
sysnr.inc(199,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_rt_sigtimedwait" is not
sysnr.inc(200,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_rt_sigqueueinfo" is not
sysnr.inc(201,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_rt_sigsuspend" is not
sysnr.inc(202,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_pread" is not used
sysnr.inc(203,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_pwrite" is not used
sysnr.inc(204,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_chown" is not used
sysnr.inc(205,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getcwd" is not used
sysnr.inc(206,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_capget" is not used
sysnr.inc(207,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_capset" is not used
sysnr.inc(208,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sigaltstack" is not used
sysnr.inc(209,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sendfile" is not used
sysnr.inc(210,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_vfork" is not used
sysnr.inc(211,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_ugetrlimit" is not used
sysnr.inc(212,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_mmap2" is not used
sysnr.inc(213,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_truncate64" is not used
sysnr.inc(214,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_ftruncate64" is not used
sysnr.inc(215,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_stat64" is not used
sysnr.inc(216,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_lstat64" is not used
sysnr.inc(217,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_fstat64" is not used
sysnr.inc(218,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_lchown32" is not used
sysnr.inc(219,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getuid32" is not used
sysnr.inc(220,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getgid32" is not used
sysnr.inc(221,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_geteuid32" is not used
sysnr.inc(222,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getegid32" is not used
sysnr.inc(223,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setreuid32" is not used
sysnr.inc(224,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setregid32" is not used
sysnr.inc(225,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getgroups32" is not used
sysnr.inc(226,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setgroups32" is not used
sysnr.inc(227,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_fchown32" is not used
sysnr.inc(228,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setresuid32" is not used
sysnr.inc(229,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getresuid32" is not used
sysnr.inc(230,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setresgid32" is not used
sysnr.inc(231,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getresgid32" is not used
sysnr.inc(232,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_chown32" is not used
sysnr.inc(233,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setuid32" is not used
sysnr.inc(234,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setgid32" is not used
sysnr.inc(235,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setfsuid32" is not used
sysnr.inc(236,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setfsgid32" is not used
sysnr.inc(237,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getdents64" is not used
sysnr.inc(238,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_pivot_root" is not used
sysnr.inc(239,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_mincore" is not used
sysnr.inc(240,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_madvise" is not used
sysnr.inc(241,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_fcntl64" is not used
sysnr.inc(242,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_security" is not used
sysnr.inc(243,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_gettid" is not used
sysnr.inc(244,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_readahead" is not used
sysnr.inc(245,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_setxattr" is not used
sysnr.inc(246,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_lsetxattr" is not used
sysnr.inc(247,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_fsetxattr" is not used
sysnr.inc(248,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_getxattr" is not used
sysnr.inc(249,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_lgetxattr" is not used
sysnr.inc(250,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_fgetxattr" is not used
sysnr.inc(251,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_listxattr" is not used
sysnr.inc(252,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_llistxattr" is not used
sysnr.inc(253,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_flistxattr" is not used
sysnr.inc(254,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_removexattr" is not used
sysnr.inc(255,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_lremovexattr" is not used
sysnr.inc(256,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_fremovexattr" is not used
sysnr.inc(257,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_tkill" is not used
sysnr.inc(258,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sendfile64" is not used
sysnr.inc(259,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_futex" is not used
sysnr.inc(260,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sched_setaffinity" is not
sysnr.inc(261,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_sched_getaffinity" is not
sysnr.inc(262,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_io_setup" is not used
sysnr.inc(263,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_io_destroy" is not used
sysnr.inc(264,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_io_getevents" is not used
sysnr.inc(265,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_io_submit" is not used
sysnr.inc(266,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_io_cancel" is not used
sysnr.inc(267,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_exit_group" is not used
sysnr.inc(268,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_lookup_dcookie" is not
sysnr.inc(269,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_epoll_create" is not used
sysnr.inc(270,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_epoll_ctl" is not used
sysnr.inc(271,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_epoll_wait" is not used
sysnr.inc(272,3) Hint: Local const "syscall_nr_remap_file_pages" is not
heap.inc(42,3) Hint: Local const "maxreusebigger" is not used
heap.inc(131,18) Hint: Local type "pfreelists" is not used
Assembling system
Assembling with smartlinking system
Carsten Bager
Bøvlingbjerg El-automatik
Brørupvænget 10
7650 Bøvlingbjerg
Tlf. +4597885222 Fax +4597885434
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