[fpc-pascal]Graphics cards, VGALIB

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Fri Sep 3 15:32:30 CEST 2004

On 3 sep 2004, at 15:27, Marco van de Voort wrote:

>> Hmm, yes, that's probably it. The two-level namespace is the reason
>> that the order of the libraries and objects on the command line 
>> matters
>> under Darwin... We'd have to introduce some compiler switches to
>> influence the order in which the compiler passes the objects and
>> libraries to the linker then though.
> We need this afaik for gtk2 too.

No, "gtk-config --libs" (or maybe "gtk2-config --libs" for gtk2?) tells 
you. In fact, there is also "sdl-config --libs", but of course it 
doesn't know anything about our system unit and main-troubles.

Or do you mean that gtk2 uses the same ugly hack of renaming the main 


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