[fpc-pascal]Compiler switches

Thomas Schatzl tom_at_work at gmx.at
Thu Sep 2 20:22:01 CEST 2004


> I'd like to try using JEDI-SDL but the directions only tell how to set 
> up the IDE... not how to use the command line compiler under Linux.
> I'm stumped on a few of them.
> I condensed the following from the JEDI-SDL Yahoo Group instructions and 
> added what I think the corresponding command-line switch should be:
> Compiler switches page
> Delphi 2 extensions to ON
> Delphi compatibility to ON
> -Mobjfpc
> -Mdelphi

-Mobjfpc and -Mdelphi are different things and mutually exclusive (when 
given as compiler switch).

I guess that -Mdelphi is appropriate.

> -------------------------------------------------
> These I have no idea!!
> Assembler Reader to Intel style Assembler


> Assembler Output to precoff.

Probably this means pecoff, not precoff:


Don't think that this compiler switch is required in this case. It just 
controls the output format - In this case generates win32 pe coff files, 
which is probably not suitable for a Linux environment.

> Add FPC to the conditional defines box at the bottom of the page.


> Options | Linker.
> Preferred Library Type to Smart Libraries.
> The closest thing I could find for this is:
>  -CX        create also smartlinked library

Should be correct.

> -----------------------------
> Options | Directories.
> Unit directories box  add path to where JEDI-SDL units exist.
> USE -Fi



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