[fpc-pascal] FPC on ARM (eg Zaurus)

Florian Klaempfl F.Klaempfl at gmx.de
Fri Oct 22 00:02:06 CEST 2004

Den Jean wrote:

> Hi,
> Cross-compile for ARM:
> ==============
> I'd like to develop an application on Zaurus (arm) with FPC, 
> but I do not manage to create a cross-compile setup. 
> Qt/Embedded binding for FPC:
> ==================
> I already created a binding for FPC to Qt/Embedded that works
> with libqte (the Qt/Embedded library) on Intel (under qvfb)
> I did not have time yet to put it on Sourceforge, 
> but you can get a binary libqteintf + pascal sources on:
> http://users.pandora.be/Jan.Van.hijfte/qtforfpc/qtedemo.html
> Compile errors in fpc/compiler/arm:
> =======================
> With the latest cvs (20 Oct 2004) I get the error below
> make clean all OS_TARGET=linux CPU_TARGET=arm BINUTILSPREFIX=arm-linux-
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ..fpc/compiler/ppc   -darm -dGDB -dBROWSERLOG -dNOOPT -Xs -OG2p3 -n -Fuarm 
> -Fusystems -Fu/other/storage/progs/fpcarm/fpc/rtl/linux -Fiarm -FE. -dRELEASE 
> pp.pas
> cpubase.pas(511,59) Fatal: Syntax error, "," expected but ")" found
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> When I fix this by adding a OS_NO to subreg2cgsize 
> (do not know what I am doing :-)
> the compilation continues and stops with:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> cpupara.pas(44,94) Error: Identifier not found "tvarargspara"
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> So I fix this by adding 'parabase' to the uses clause of cpupara.pas 
> Then I get the following compile error:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> cpupara.pas(41,20) Error: There is no method in an ancestor class to be 
> overridden: "tarmparamanager.getintparaloc(tproccalloption, LongInt):<record 
> type>"
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The current cvs is broken for ARM, it will be fixed after the current 
rewrites are finished.

> * Does anyone have a working ARM snapshot  ?


> * Or a FPC CVS date on which the ARM part compiles ? 
> * I already tried 30 Jan 2003. The date on which the FPC news 
>    webpage announces that it works on Zaurus

The compiler from 5th April 2004 should work it's the date when that 
snapshot was generated.

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