[fpc-pascal]RE: XTest extension for fpc

Rainer Hantsch rainer at hantsch.co.at
Thu Mar 18 10:40:49 CET 2004


Only a question of interest:
Are you trying to get FPC compiling X11 apps?

On Wed, 17 Mar 2004, Marc Santhoff wrote:

| Am Mi, den 17.03.2004 schrieb Jeff Pohlmeyer um 08:05:
| > > Has anyone translated the XTest xtension of XFree86 to pascal yet?
| >
| > I think it would look something like this:
| [...]
| >
| > ( compiles, but not tested )
| I have only tested 'XTestFakeKeyEvent' so far and it does work!
| Besides linking against Xtst (fpc -k-lXtst ...) there is only the
| problem of recoding chars to XKeySym's, but I think this is possible.
| Bye and a big thanks again,
| Marc
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  Ing. Rainer Hantsch

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