[fpc-pascal]Win32 API Call
Peter Vreman
peter at freepascal.org
Tue Jun 22 07:27:52 CEST 2004
> I'm trying to get a Win32 API call to work, but either I found a bug in
> (not likely) or I'm doing something wrong (more then likely).
> There's an API function called GetCurrentHwProfile that doesn't seem to be
> recognized by FPC, so I added it myself using external. However, when I
> try
> calling the function I don't seem to be getting anything returned. I tried
> checking the Windows GetLastError function, but that doesn't show me
> anything either.
> I've included some code that shows what I mean. It's a text mode program,
> compiled under Windows 2000 using FPC version 1.0.6 with the command line
> of: ppc386 -TWin32 -vehnw -WC -XX -Sd
> Since I doubt FPC has a bug I'm assuming it's me. Or is it?
> ********************************************
> Program HWprofile;
> uses
> windows;
> type
> tProfileInfo = packed record
> Docked : dword;
> GUID : ansistring;
> Name : ansistring;
> end;
ansistring is a fpc/delphi specific type. WinAPI uses pchar
> pProfileInfo = ^tProfileInfo;
> var
> Profile : pProfileInfo;
> Results : boolean;
> (*=======================================================================*)
> Function GetCurrentHwProfile (var HWProfile: pProfileInfo): boolean;
> external 'advapi32' name 'GetCurrentHwProfileA';
You are missing stdcall calling directive
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