[fpc-pascal]SDL on Win32

kractor baron.kractor at cogeco.ca
Tue Jun 15 19:26:27 CEST 2004

I apologize in advance if I've completely missed something obvious on 
this (which *has* been known to happen from time to time), but I'm 
having issues with getting JEDI-SDL installed. In reading over the 
sections of the Docs I've scanned so far, in the "latest" JEDI-SDL from 
sourceforce it indicates there should be some sort of semi-automatied 
installer exe ... which doesn't appear to be anywhere in the archive as 
I downloaded it. I also haven't been able to find any documentation that 
might tell me how to install this.

I'm feeling pretty dumb right now that I can't seem to figure this out, 
but if there's anyone out there that could possibly steer me in the 
right direction Documentation wise it would certainly be appreciated.

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