[fpc-pascal]Extension of macros exceeds a depth of 16

Alan Mead cubrewer at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 28 21:42:11 CEST 2004

As a I mentined earlier today in a different thread, I have upgraded
to 1.9.4 and I appreciate the greater checking.

Most of the new warnings I get are clear but one of my units now
reports "Extension of macros exceeds a depth of 16".  What does this
warning mean and what is the rammification of ignoring it?

The line number where it reports the warning is an {$if def ...} and
I would assume the warning had something to do with nesting compiler
conditionals... but that's not the case (unless the parser is really
getting lost... but since the code operates, I cannot imagne that
this is happening..).  This conditional should be at the "top
level"--it is not nested under anything.


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