[fpc-pascal]Linked List/ pointers/ casting/ OOP Question
Anton Tichawa
anton.tichawa at chello.at
Sun Jul 11 23:09:04 CEST 2004
Ron Weidner wrote:
>>Your design is the right one for the problem, -and-
>>FreePascal supports
>>this design very well. What you seem to miss is the
>>between your design ideas and FreePascal's syntax
>>and semantics.
>>Sorry, but before proceeding I ask you to make a
>>decision (because else
>>writing any code examples might be wasting our
>>FreePascal offers two different approaches to your
>>design: Objects and
>>Classes. Objects is what you're using now. Classes
>>are essentially
>>pointers to Objects, but they also simplify the
>>syntax, and they allow
>>pointer types to inherit from each other. This
>>latter capability
>>perfectly addresses the problem of choosing the
>>right type for the
>>parameter X in AddWidget(X). So, before proceeding,
>>please decide if you
>>want to continue using good old Objects, or if you
>>want to switch to the
>>newer and more powerful Classes. If unsure, choose
>>Objects. Also, if you
>>cannot easily change the declaration of a widget
>>because it's legacy
>>software, choose Objects. I'll then post code
>>examples using the
>>approach you choose.
>When you put it like that, it seems silly to use
>Objects over Classes. I've only written 4 files for
>this project, and they could probably be easily ported
>from Objects to Classes. So if what you are saying is
>that the Classes way of solving this (and like)
>problem, and since I have no legacy software to
>support, I would love to see a working example of this
>code done with Classes.
program widgets; // free demo of a list of class instances, by Anton
// first, the common ancestor class, CWidget, is declared.
type CWidget = class(TObject) // TObject is, despite it's name, a class
type here
Tag: String;
constructor Create(ATag: String);
// the destructor, Destroy, defaults to TObject.Destroy
// next, the list. It's still a record, i. e. smaller and faster
compared to classes.
type PWidgetList = ^TWidgetList; TWidgetList = record
Widget: CWidget; // a pointer to an instance of CWidget or a descendant
Next: PWidgetList;
// next, the two descendants of CWidget (inheriting all data and methods
from CWidget):
type CWidgetEntity = class(CWidget) // maybe unused now?
type CWidgetContainer = class(CWidget)
HeadWidgetPtr: PWidgetList;
CurWidgetPtr: PWidgetList;
constructor Create(ATag:string); // constructors need no 'override'
destructor Destroy; override; // overrides, i. e. replaces TObject.Destroy
procedure AddWidget(AWidget: CWidget); // might be a container, too
procedure Print(ALevel: integer);
// 'the' widget container
var TheWidgetContainer: CWidgetContainer; // a pointer to an instance on
the heap
// CWidget methods:
constructor CWidget.Create(ATag: String);
inherited Create; // this calls TObject.Create
Tag := ATag;
// CWidgetContainer methods:
constructor CWidgetContainer.Create(ATag: String);
inherited Create(ATag); // = CWidget.Create, assigns ATag to Tag etc.
CurWidgetPtr := nil;
HeadWidgetPtr := nil;
destructor CWidgetContainer.Destroy;
// caution: here, all deallocation / destruction should be done
inherited Destroy; // call to the inherited Destructor, TObject.Destroy
procedure CWidgetContainer.AddWidget(AWidget: CWidget);
var MyNewListPtr: PWidgetList;
// AWidget might be a widget or a container, but we don't care here
MyNewListPtr^.Widget := AWidget;
MyNewListPtr^.Next := HeadWidgetPtr;
HeadWidgetPtr := MyNewListPtr;
procedure CWidgetContainer.Print(ALevel: integer);
var i: integer;
var indent: String;
var MyWidget: CWidget; // might be a CWidget or CWidgetContainer
// for the sake of simplicity, the printout is reversed. But it's indented:
indent := '';
for i := 0 to ALevel - 1 do begin
indent := indent + ' ';
writeln(indent + 'widget container ' + Tag + ':' );
CurWidgetPtr := HeadWidgetPtr;
if CurWidgetPtr = nil then break;
MyWidget := CurWidgetPtr^.Widget;
if MyWidget = nil then begin // just to be sure
// InheritsFrom is a method of TObject. This is runtime type info (RTTI).
// We have to check for the more specialized CWidgetContainer first:
end else if MyWidget.InheritsFrom(CWidgetContainer) then begin
// InheritsFrom just told us it's a CWidgetContainer (at runtime). The
// compiler does not know this, and would normally reject the Print
// method. So, we need a type cast:
CWidgetContainer(MyWidget).Print(ALevel + 1);
end else if MyWidget.InheritsFrom(CWidget) then begin
writeln(indent + ' ordinary widget ''' + MyWidget.Tag + ':');
CurWidgetPtr := CurWidgetPtr^.Next;
until false;
var MyWidgetContainer: CWidgetContainer; // a temporary buffer for
// create 'the' widget container
TheWidgetContainer := CWidgetContainer.Create('TheWidgetContainer');
// add some widgets and containers
MyWidgetContainer := CWidgetContainer.Create('WidgetContainer-B');
// among other things, a CWidgetContainer is still a CWidget, so the
// accepts passing MyWidgetContainer without type cast.
// print
// caution: cleaning up (dispose, destroy) not yet implemented ..
// the printout reads (GNU/Linux, fpc 1.0.10, sequence of members is
// widget container TheWidgetContainer:
// ordinary widget 'Widget-C:
// widget container WidgetContainer-B:
// ordinary widget 'Widget-B2:
// ordinary widget 'Widget-B1:
// ordinary widget 'Widget-A:
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