[fpc-pascal]Default calling convention

Marcel Martin mm10 at ellipsa.net
Fri Jul 2 17:34:04 CEST 2004

Peter Vreman a écrit :
> Check what Delphi does for nested procedures. If it is different from FPC
> then FPC will be adapted.

Overall, no :-) Delphi (at least the version 5.01) is bugged. 
For instance, with

  function Add: Longword;
    var x : Longword;
    function DoAdd(a: Longword): Longword; register;
      var y : Longword;
      mov  y, 1
      add  eax, x
      add  eax, y
    x := 7;
    Result := DoAdd(1);

The result should be 9 (1+7+1) but for Delphi it is only 3.
"DoAdd" is coded this way

  mov [ebp-$04], $00000001  // mov y, 1
  add eax, [ebp-$4]         // add eax, x
  add eax, [ebp-$4]         // add eax, y

i.e., for Delphi 5.01, x and y are the same thing!

I think the best thing that could be done would be to manage so that 
FPC always makes use of [ebp-something] to access a parameter when 
the programmer makes use of the parameter name, i,e., with any calling 
convention the instruction "mov eax,param" should never be coded as 
"mov eax,reg" but always as "mov eax,[ebp-something]".


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