[fpc-pascal]Default calling convention

Thomas Schatzl tom_at_work at gmx.at
Fri Jul 2 11:39:39 CEST 2004


>>>>I noticed that, with FPC 1.9.4, the (default) calling convention
>>>>"register" depends on the fact that a routine is or is not embedded
>>>>in an other routine.
>>>>With "proc(A,B,C: Longint);", if "proc" is not embedded then
>>>>eax = A, edx = B and ecx = C but if "proc" is embedded then edx = A,
>>>>ecx = B and C is on the stack.
>>>>Is this convention definitive or temporary? I am not sure it is
>>>>definitive since it makes the code of assembler routines dependent
>>>>on their status: embedded or not.

This is exactly the same as Delphi (7) behaves.

>>  procedure nx_fill(P: PLongword; Count: Longint; Value: Longword);
>>  assembler;
>>  asm
>>          pushl   %edi
>>          movl    %eax,%edi  // edi <- P
>>          movl    %ecx,%eax  // eax <- Value
>>          movl    %edx,%ecx  // ecx <- Count
>>          rep
>>          stosl
>>          popl    %edi
>>  end;

In this case

   procedure nx_fill(P: PLongword; Count: Longint; Value: Longword);
           pushl   %edi
           movl    P,%edi  // edi <- P
           movl    Value,%eax  // eax <- Value
           movl    Count,%ecx  // ecx <- Count
           popl    %edi

works both as embedded and non-embedded assembler procedure because the 
order of assignments is ok in both cases.

Btw, there's already a method in the system unit which does the same 
thing as your routine: filldword()...


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