[fpc-pascal]CRT prevents break?

Alan Mead cubrewer at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 3 18:59:16 CET 2004

--- Michael.VanCanneyt at Wisa.be wrote:
> > Thanks for the information. Can you give me a pointer to
> "catching
> > these keys" myself? 
> Just check the result of the next key with readkey. 
> It should return #3 for ctrl-c, and #26 for ctrl-Z.

Ah.  Now I see.  

It's been a while ... is ReadKey blocking?  If so, is there a
non-blocking function?  I recall I used to access the keyring in the
BIOS directly and I believe that is not proper (or possible).

I would have to insert this check inside a loop doing the real work. 
Well, I guess I could make a non-blocking ReadKey using KeyPressed.

Thanks again for your help.


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