[fpc-pascal]RE: Defining Records on the fly:

Adam Victor Nazareth Brandizzi qbyron at yahoo.com.br
Thu Feb 19 03:34:14 CET 2004

You can also define a function that returns the record you need:

function NewMyRec( X, Y : double ) : TMyRec;
   NewMyRec.x := X;
   NewMyRec.y := Y;

I think it's really better than declare a new variable and initialize it 
by the code.

if CheckPoint(NewMyRec(1.2, 2.2)) then ...

Be well...

Jeff Pohlmeyer wrote:

>Since Free Pascal supports function overloading,
>you could do something like this:
>Function CheckPoint(X, Y:real): Boolean;
>  {Does something here..}
>Function CheckPoint(aPoint: tMyRec): Boolean;
>  Result:=CheckPoint(aPoint.X, aPoint.Y);
>// So you can use it either way:
>  MyRec:tMyRec;
>  if CheckPoint(MyRec) then {do stuff};
>  if CheckPoint(1.2, 2.2) then {do more stuff};
>>Here is why I was wondering why you couldn't, say I have this type:
>>Type tMyRec = Record X, Y : Real; End;
>>And I have this function:
>>Function CheckPoint(aPoint: tMyRec): Boolean;
>>  {Does something here..}
>>  CheckPoint((X:1.2;Y:2.2));
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Adam Victor Nazareth Brandizzi
Estudante de Ciência da Computação - UnB
e-mails: qbyron at yahoo.com.br, adam at click21.com.br
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