[fpc-pascal]dbExpress with fpc

Matt Emson memsom at interalpha.co.uk
Fri Feb 13 16:35:33 CET 2004

> > No. That is, FPC has no dbExpress components.
> Looks like dbExpress is written in C/C++ .

IIRC dbExpress is sort of based on Midas. I doubt that dbExpress is legally
available for free use. I think you at least need a license for a Pro+
version of Delphi and thet covers you for deployment. None of the TDataSet
stuff was included in the Personal version last time I looked. Infact D7
Personal IDE will not let you load the Pro+ dataset packages. I know, I
looked into that as a matter of personal discovery ;-)

> > Not yet.
> FPC supports both COM and CORBA interfaces - right ?

I wouldn't have thought so. Delphi does it via compiler magic.


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