[fpc-pascal]Panic : Internal compiler error, Internal error 9999
Stefan Becker
becker at lufa-speyer.de
Wed Feb 4 01:26:23 CET 2004
Panic : Internal compiler error, exiting.
test.pp(5) Fatal: Internal error 9999
uses linux;
Writeln ('Process Id = ',getpid,' Parent process Id = ',getppid);
Compiling for LINUX Platform
Compiling Debug Version
Hint: End of reading config file /etc/fpc.cfg
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.9.3 [2004/01/22] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for i386
Compiling test.pp
test.pp(3,27) Error: Identifier not found "getpid"
test.pp(3,58) Error: Identifier not found "getppid"
test.pp(3,66) Error: Illegal expression
Panic : Internal compiler error, exiting.
test.pp(5) Fatal: Internal error 9999
I just updated to a newer compiler version (1.9.3) because I
will try to work my way into the lazerus (IDE).
Now some of my units are suddenly not compliling at all. Simply using
the unit linux; and doing a "getpid" doesn't work anymore.
I hope that someone here might know (of) the problem or the
I might just have the librarys, config or something in the wrong place.
...I don't know! ....
Before I file a bug report, lets hear it from someone here. Is someone
working with the newer complier?
my regards,
Stefan Becker
email: becker at lufa-speyer.de
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