[fpc-pascal]compiling CLX with FPC and Classes.Inc

Peter Vreman peter at freepascal.org
Tue Feb 3 11:02:01 CET 2004

>> I'd like to use fpc with FreeCLX, but when compiling I stumbled on the
>> fact the SListIndexError is not known because {$i classes.inc} is
>> included
>> after implementation and not just behind interface.
>> I hope this an error ?
>> In kylix/source alike constants (constse.inc) are defined in
>> RtlConsts and used everywhere.
> This is now also true for FPC, but only in the 1.9.x development tree.

Don't forget that the CLX is made for Kylix and sometimes relies on
internal data structures as used by Kylix. So when the units already
compile it is not guaranteed that it'll work.

If you want gui class libraries, have a look at LCL from Lazarus.

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