[fpc-pascal] Customizing tply
Steve Williams
stevewilliams at kromestudios.com
Thu Dec 9 23:38:48 CET 2004
> When I started to modify lexlib to work with streams instead of just
> files (I have to parse stuff that could be on memory) I dicovered some
> new issues:
> * How can I use standard input/ouput with streams?
> * Is there an easy way to do a ReadLn (or similar) with streams? The
> idea is instead of rewriting the lexlib io functions, I replace the
> standard io functions like Eof, ReadLn, Write and WriteLn. My initial
> idea was to read the whole stream on a TStrings, but that could waste
> a lot of memory.
Here is a unit that allows you to use ReadLn with streams. I know it
works in Delphi. I have not tried it in FPC.
{== Unit StreamIO =====================================================}
{: Implements a text-file device driver that allows textfile-style I/O
on streams.
@author Dr. Peter Below
@desc Version 1.0 created 4 Januar 2001<BR>
Current revision 1.0<BR>
Last modified 4 Januar 2001<P> }
{: Example of use
stream: TFileStream;
F: Textfile;
stream:= TFilestream.Create( fsSource, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone );
AssignStream( F, stream );
...read stuff from F
Unit StreamIO;
Uses classes;
{-- AssignStream ------------------------------------------------------}
{: Attach a stream to a Textfile to allow I/O via WriteLn/ReadLn
@Param F is the textfile to attach the stream to
@Param S is the stream
@Precondition S <> nil
@Desc The passed streams position will be set to 0 by Reset and Rewrite
and to the streams end by Append. The stream is not freed when the
textfile is closed via CloseFile and it has to stay in existence as
long as the textfile is open.
}{ Created 4.1.2001 by P. Below
Procedure AssignStream( Var F: Textfile; S: TStream );
Uses sysutils;
{-- GetDevStream ------------------------------------------------------}
{: Get the stream reference stored in the textrec userdata area
@Param F is the textfile record
@Returns the stream reference
@Postcondition result <> nil
}{ Created 4.1.2001 by P. Below
Function GetDevStream( Var F: TTextRec ): TStream;
Begin { GetDevStream }
Move( F.Userdata, Result, Sizeof( Result ));
Assert( Assigned( Result ));
End; { GetDevStream }
{-- DevIn -------------------------------------------------------------}
{: Called by Read, ReadLn etc. to fill the textfiles buffer from the
@Param F is the textfile to operate on
@Returns 0 (no error)
}{ Created 4.1.2001 by P. Below
Function DevIn( Var F: TTextRec ): Integer;
Begin { DevIn }
Result := 0;
With F Do Begin
BufEnd := GetDevStream(F).Read( BufPtr^, BufSize );
BufPos := 0;
End; { With }
End; { DevIn }
{-- DevFlushIn --------------------------------------------------------}
{: A dummy method, flush on input does nothing.
@Param F is the textfile to operate on
@Returns 0 (no error)
}{ Created 4.1.2001 by P. Below
Function DevFlushIn( Var F: TTextRec ): Integer;
Begin { DevFlushIn }
Result := 0;
End; { DevFlushIn }
{-- DevOut ------------------------------------------------------------}
{: Write the textfile buffers content to the stream. Called by Write,
WriteLn when the buffer becomes full. Also called by Flush.
@Param F is the textfile to operate on
@Returns 0 (no error)
@Raises EStreamError if the write failed for some reason.
}{ Created 4.1.2001 by P. Below
Function DevOut( Var F: TTextRec ): Integer;
Begin { DevOut }
Result := 0;
With F Do
If BufPos > 0 Then Begin
GetDevStream(F).WriteBuffer( BufPtr^, BufPos );
BufPos := 0;
End; { If }
End; { DevOut }
{-- DevClose ----------------------------------------------------------}
{: Called by Closefile. Does nothing here.
@Param F is the textfile to operate on
@Returns 0 (no error)
}{ Created 4.1.2001 by P. Below
Function DevClose( Var F: TTextRec ): Integer;
Begin { DevClose }
Result := 0;
End; { DevClose }
{-- DevOpen -----------------------------------------------------------}
{: Called by Reset, Rewrite, or Append to prepare the textfile for I/O
@Param F is the textfile to operate on
@Returns 0 (no error)
}{ Created 4.1.2001 by P. Below
Function DevOpen( Var F: TTextRec ): Integer;
Begin { DevOpen }
Result := 0;
With F Do Begin
Case Mode Of
fmInput: Begin { Reset }
InOutFunc := @DevIn;
FlushFunc := @DevFlushIn;
BufPos := 0;
BufEnd := 0;
GetDevStream( F ).Position := 0;
End; { Case fmInput }
fmOutput: Begin { Rewrite }
InOutFunc := @DevOut;
FlushFunc := @DevOut;
BufPos := 0;
BufEnd := 0;
GetDevStream( F ).Position := 0;
End; { Case fmOutput }
fmInOut: Begin { Append }
Mode := fmOutput;
DevOpen( F );
GetDevStream(F).Seek( 0, soFromEnd );
End; { Case fmInOut }
End; { Case }
End; { With }
End; { DevOpen }
Procedure AssignStream( Var F: Textfile; S: TStream );
Begin { AssignStream }
Assert( Assigned( S ));
With TTextRec(F) Do Begin
Mode := fmClosed;
BufSize := SizeOf(Buffer);
BufPtr := @Buffer;
OpenFunc := @DevOpen;
CloseFunc := @DevClose;
Name[0] := #0;
{ Store stream reference into Userdata area }
Move( S, Userdata, Sizeof(S));
End; { With }
End; { AssignStream }
End { StreamIO }.
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