[fpc-pascal]How to convert between double and extended?

Florian Klaempfl F.Klaempfl at gmx.de
Sun Aug 15 10:52:49 CEST 2004

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

> On Sun, 15 Aug 2004 00:11:16 +0200  Jonas Maebe <jonas at zeus.ugent.be> wrote:
>>On 14 aug 2004, at 19:34, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>>>How can I convert between PowerPC double and i386 Extended on a 
>>>For example: I want to save a Double under powerpc to a stream as i386
>>>Extended and read it under i386 as Extended.
>>>Are there already some conversion functions to convert between the 
>>>floating point formats?
>>No, only a function to convert a TP real to double (real2double). Also, 
>>on the ppc extended is defined as double (for source code 
>>compatibility), so we'll have to use a record or so.
> That's why I asked.
> Where can I get information about the i386 extended and the ppc double
> format? Is it correct, that the ppc double is simply a reversed i386 double?

Yes. rtl/inc/real2str.inc around 260 shows how to split the different 
float types.

> Mattias
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