[fpc-pascal]SMTP & Free Pascal/Delphi (repost with sensiblle subject line)

Lukas Gebauer gebylist at mlp.cz
Sat Aug 7 22:16:06 CEST 2004

> I discovered the Synapse stuff yesterday and am still exploring its
> documentation, such as it is. If anyone has experience in using this
> product, I would be grateful for guidance, especially on handling
> attachments.

Is good idea to read synapse web pages, include their wiki pages!

You can download latest synasnap (Synapse snapshot), because inside last 
synasnap you can found updated documentation inside source code. (Synapse 
using PasDoc now!)

Synapse have their own e-mail list too, where you can get lot of support.

However, if you still fail, exists person with big experience with 
Synapse... it is author of Synapse. ;-)

Lukas Gebauer.

E-mail: gebauerl at mlp.cz
WEB: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse - Synapse Delphi and Kylix TCP/IP 

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