[fpc-pascal]RE: XTest extension for fpc

Rainer Hantsch rainer at hantsch.co.at
Fri Apr 9 15:08:11 CEST 2004

Hello, Marc!

Do you have some code for me to see how FPC programs for X11 are written?

Nothing special, keep it simple, I primarily want to...
a.)  see if it works with my old FPC 1.0.4
     (yes, I still use this old version because it is the latest one
     which also works on SuSE 5.2)
b.)  see how complicated it is.
     Open a window, doo some little things inside,...

On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Marc Santhoff wrote:

| Am Do, den 18.03.2004 schrieb Rainer Hantsch um 10:40:
| > Hi!
| >
| > Only a question of interest:
| > Are you trying to get FPC compiling X11 apps?
| Nope, I;m not trying but doing it actually. ;)
| Yes, ask questions, if you like to.
| Bye,
| Marc
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  Ing. Rainer Hantsch

|      \\|//              Ing. Rainer HANTSCH  -  Hardware + Software |
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