[fpc-pascal]CGI: cgiapp.pp and ezcgi.pp possible bug

James Mills prologic at daisy.ods.org
Sun Sep 14 16:10:01 CEST 2003

On Sun, Sep 14, 2003 at 06:48:36AM -0700, Alan Mead wrote:
> --- James Mills <prologic at daisy.ods.org> wrote:
> > 
> > It hands when you POST data with two angled bracked, eg: "> >"
> > I have not tried using GET, I don't think it would be appropiate
> > for a
> > form based page :)
> Form data can be POST'd or GET'd depending on the way you form the
> 'form' tag.  You're right that POST is generally used but sometimes
> the form data are brief and it's advantageous to allow the user to
> bookmark the state of the CGI, in which case you should use GET. 
> Google and Yahoo searches are a good example.
> In this case, where you suspect a bug in processing of the data, it
> might be helpful to know whether it affects both cases.  Have you
> solved the issue or do you have a small example program?

This bug is preventing me from completing a clone of my profressors
forum :P I will (when I find the time) try and implement an example to
show you.


-Zero Defect Software Engineers Group - ZDSEG
-You need only two tools. WD-40 and duct tape.
-If it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40.
-If it moves and shouldn't, use the tape.

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