[fpc-pascal]Memory Usage

James Mills prologic at prologitech.com
Mon May 12 00:41:36 CEST 2003


I'd like to know why one of my programs pircsrv written in FPC uses up so much
memory. 107Mb of virtual memory (so it seems) and 7Mb of data.
Here is the top stats...

top - 08:37:16 up 1 day, 18:20,  2 users,  load average: 0.21, 0.15,
Tasks:  79 total,   1 running,  78 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):   1.3% user,   0.4% system,   0.0% nice,  98.3% idle
Mem:    126608k total,   104848k used,    21760k free,    10712k buffers
Swap:   562424k total,   143360k used,   419064k free,    48740k cached

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  Command                                                                                                                         
  421 root       5 -10 62112 9560 8404 S  0.0  7.6  23:38.23 XFree86                                                                                                                         
 2700 pircsrv    9   0  107m 7196 7184 S  0.0  5.7   0:57.98 pircsrv <------- this one!                                                                                                      
23733 prologic   9   0  3632 3628 2896 S  0.0  2.9   0:00.20 gaim                                                                                                                            
  301 root       9   0  4992 2800 2792 S  0.0  2.2   0:04.21 xfs                                                                                                                             
 2720 prologic   9   0  3432 2784 2648 S  0.0  2.2   0:04.45 xchat                                                                                                                           
 2287 nobody     9   0  3464 2540 2540 S  0.0  2.0   0:00.90 httpd                                                                                                                           
 2337 prologic   8   0  2672 2420 2068 S  0.0  1.9   0:08.38 WindowMaker                                                                                                                     
23857 prologic   9   0  2260 2260 1756 S  0.0  1.8   0:00.30

This is the compilation line in the Makefile ...

debug: $(pircsrv)
   fpc -bl -gg -gc -gl -S2 $(pircsrv)

The source is 764Kb, 67 source files, 18103 lines.


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