[fpc-pascal]Retrieving memory size?

A.J. Venter ddt at vukanet.co.za
Thu Mar 27 16:16:36 CET 2003

On Linux systems you can get it out of /proc. If you are on windows
however, I am not sure how to do it.

Have a look at the contributed units, I am almost certain I have seen a
unit there for doing it with.

Sorry if this is not wonderfull help, but then again I only develop on
and for Linux.
On Thu, 2003-03-27 at 16:42, Preben Mikael Bohn wrote:
> Dear all, I am trying to retrieve the memory size. As maxavail and memavail
> only gives the current available heap size (grows dynamically with the need) I
> can not use these functions for this purpose. Are there any ways to retrieve
> it in a cross-platform way?
> Best regards Preben
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