[fpc-pascal]FPC for a middleware application

Matt Emson memsom at interalpha.co.uk
Thu Mar 13 17:29:38 CET 2003

If the indy components compile under FPC, they could be used. Take a
look at : http://www.indyproject.org/Articles.html

I have a 3 tier system I'm writing in Delphi currently. Client Tier
connects to Server Tier with the data stored in an interbase server. All
3 items can be distributed onto separate servers/desktops. It's been
fairly painless with Indy so far. Hardest part was the transport
protocol between the client and server. Then again this *is* all in
Delphi, so your milage may vary.

If you want something more exotic, you could easily add more logical
layers using a similar model.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: fpc-pascal-admin at deadlock.et.tudelft.nl 
> [mailto:fpc-pascal-admin at deadlock.et.tudelft.nl] On Behalf Of 
> Jilani Khaldi
> Sent: 13 March 2003 15:31
> To: FreePascal
> Subject: [fpc-pascal]FPC for a middleware application
> Hi All,
> I am looking for some code in FP to develope a client/server 
> (3-tier) application (I need only the middleware 
> part), could someone point me?
> Thanks!
> jk
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