[fpc-pascal]SDL with FPC - possible?

Pavel Kanzelsberger pavel.kanzelsberger at umb.sk
Fri Jun 20 09:17:21 CEST 2003


well libsdl for freepascal is not a port, it's just a binding to the SDL
library. Everything works fine in Windows, Linux, QNX, BeOS, Solaris and
FreeBSD. I've also added some missing functions to the libsdl units.

I've also wrote bindings for LCMS, CUPS and FreeType2... and everything
works fine again ;-)

Pavel Kanzelsberger

On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 19:05, Holger Peters wrote:
> Hi,
> I have used SDL4FreePascal for some time. Simplysearch it with google. 
> It worked fine with FPC 1.0.6 under Windows, I have not used it under 
> Linux, but I guess it is about the same.
> Please notice that libsdl is not ported completely.
> Holger
> Marco van de Voort schrieb:
> >>Are there any libsdl units for FPC available? Sorry if
> >>it's too trivial, or discussed in the near future, but
> >>i can't find it between the packages in the CVS, and
> >>i have no time to dig myself into the problem right 
> >>now...  
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >I do know that there are Jedi SDL bindings, and did you check
> >contributed units?
> >
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