[fpc-pascal]GetMem crazy problem

Jonas Maebe jonas at zeus.ugent.be
Wed Jun 11 10:24:29 CEST 2003

On dinsdag, jun 10, 2003, at 23:20 Europe/Brussels, Eduardo Morras 

>> I just looked at this again.  If you are really getting RTE 201 then
>> it (probably) has nothing to do with the GetMem's.  It means you are
>> over-indexing your arrays or seomthing similar.  Good luck.
> That's what surprise me, so rechecked and yes, the rte is 201. I get 
> the error when i don't check them for nil. If i chek the nil, the 
> program never enters in the code. I use them to navigate throught 
> lists structures defined as global. As said, if i define them as 
> global too i get.... the GetMem works!!!...   and the rte 201 apears 
> again. Perhaps i use them badly, but the main problem for me was the 
> not allocation of memory for them.

This sounds like some memory corruption is going on in your program. 
There are unfortunately no really easy ways to find out where this 


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