[fpc-pascal]What do you like about FPC?

Alan Mead cubrewer at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 25 04:20:39 CEST 2003

I don't have time right now to read all the messages that flew today
but I read enough to decide to send this note.  

IMHO, FPC is like a dream come true.  I love the fact that I can
compile the same code on Windows and Linux (and others).  I love the
ways the compiler is (mostly) backwards-compatible with turbo pascal
but also decidedly more powerful.  For what I do, the documentation
is very good.  I have never needed to resort to checking out the
source ... although I have asked some questions here.

I never used Delphi much.  I can imagine Delphi-o-philes not being
satisfied with FPC.  Delphi is so much more than a compiler.  I
wouldn't bet against FPC reaching that level of bloat... I mean
functionality... but it will take some time.

-Alan Mead

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