[fpc-pascal]Ummmm... anyone know why this doesn't work...

L D Blake ldblake at sympatico.ca
Wed Jul 23 16:03:56 CEST 2003

In reply to your message of July 23, 2003

> The answer is simple, but very illusive!!!

> while (GetMessage(wmsg, FWindowHandle, 0, 0)) do begin
>     if not ( IsDialogMessage(FWindowHandle, wmsg) ) then  ///this is the
> line you nees to add
>       TranslateMessage(wmsg);
>     DispatchMessage(wmsg);
>   end;

> If you look at what TranslateMessage actually does it all becomes clear.

THANKS! ... I never would have stumbled on that one without some help.

The final version is this:

    while GetMessage(@oMsg,0, 0, 0) do
        if not (IsDialogMessage(OHandle,omsg)) then

I had to bracket both translatemessage and dispatchmessage before it would work.

Now the ws_group and ws_defpushbutton work too.

 L D Blake

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