[fpc-pascal]Synapse for FPC

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Wed Jul 23 12:47:02 CEST 2003

> > > When I see to latest voting on lazarus page, then I think, lot of
> > > people need lazarus for Win32... But lazarus Win32 binary downloads
> > > is empty. ;-(
> >
> > This is correct.
> > The lazarus team needs people to help develop the win32 version.
> What is major problem in developing of WIN32 lazarus?


Win32 developpers are numerous, but that includes RAD users, while we
need RAD implementors.

So the good ones that are willing to work on open implementations
(freeware/open source/pd) strangely are more rare on win32 than Linux.
> For example, I cannot help directly, because I must do my own
> opensource projects. (it is not only Synapse :-).) I not have time
> for study lazarus sources. But when some of lazarus developer isolate
> some WIN32 related problem like "how to do this on WIN32?", then lot
> of people (include me) can help with answer.

This might become more important in the future. The main problem is a
central figure that does a lot of the work. Recently Micha Nelissen started
working seriously on win32/Lazarus, and it improved a lot in a few weeks.
> > The Linux version, on the other hand, is VERY usable.
> Great... but Win32 is very needed. ;-)

Apparently not :_)

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