AW: [fpc-pascal]how to assign a value to an untyped variable

ZINTEL Gerhard gzintel at
Fri Jul 11 14:44:01 CEST 2003

Thank you both for your fast help. And of course I meant "value := r;"

I have found a third solution in the mean time (one should not give up to
Do you know if that is in a machine independent way?

procedure test(var value);
var r : real absolute value;
  r := 1.0;	// seems to work

> hello list members,
> could anyone of you give me a hint how to assign a value to an untyped
> variable parameter of a procedure. E.G. in the following procedure:
> procedure test(var value);
> var r : real;
> begin
>   r := 1.0;
>   value := real;	// does not work
> end;
> which type to be used for a type cast (that is not allowed 
> for the left
> side) or how to use an address operator to manage it?
> any help would be welcome
> gerhard
> -------------------------------
> Gerhard Zintel
> Faurecia Abgastechnik GmbH
> Abt.: EGA
> Tel.: +49 911 7610171
> Fax.: +49 911 7610350
> e-mail:
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